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Linspire/Freespire This Forum is for the discussion of Linspire and Freespire.


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Old 09-15-2004, 04:50 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 18

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Please Help - Not Booting

Please please please help me! I am new, so bear with me.... I installed Linspire, having it take over one drive. I have two drives, both are NTFS. The other drive i have XP installed on. Everything seems to go fine, I get the screen saying that the install is done and to eject the CD. I do that, and when I reboot, a buch of "07"s appear on the screen. I can't do anything unless I reboot with the Linspire bootable CD in the drive. Have I lost XP? Even if I have, CAN I BOOT?? PLEASE HELP, I am very worried!
Old 09-15-2004, 07:14 PM   #2
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: New Zealand
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It's very likely that you haven't lost XP, so don't panic. I don't know anything about linspire, so I'm going to ignore your linux install for now. Do you have an XP install CD? If you do, you can use that to fix your boot sector and get the system back to the way it was before. Boot from the XP CD, and find the option to start a recovery console (not the automated system recovery, it shows up after that). From memory, I think you need to use 'R' to repair an existing install to see the console option. Follow the instructions on the screen, and select your Windows install - shortly you should see a C:\Windows> prompt. At this point, type FIXMBR (then hit enter), and then EXIT. You should reboot straight into windows.

In my opinion, if Linspire can't even set up a dual boot without messing it up, it'd be better not to use it - try Mandrake instead, it has a very nice easy installer. Technically, it may have been your own misunderstanding that caused the problem, but I would also consider that a failing of Linspire
Old 09-16-2004, 06:59 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
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Well, I booted into the XP recov disc, gave me blue setup screen, blah blah blah...I went into recovery mode (R, like you said), and put in "1" beacuse that's where my XP install is. Then it asks me to enter the administrator password! Well, I'm the admin on the machine, so I put in my WinXP login password, and it says it's incorrect. Oh man. Please help!
Old 09-16-2004, 07:11 AM   #4
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: New Zealand
Distribution: Debian
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Try just hitting enter... you usually set this password up when you install windows, but if it was set up for you, the password is likely to be blank.
Old 09-16-2004, 08:01 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
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Well! I got fed up with trying to repair it, and went into installation. I reinstalled XP on the drive which I was going to use for Linspire (so now I have 2 drives, each with a separate installation of XP). So now, when I boot up, I get a screen saying, "Please select OS to boot: WinXP Home, or WinXP Home?" I've learned the 2nd one is my old install on the original drive, so I'm going to reformat the drive with the uneeded install of WinXP. Bottom line: Thanks for your help, but it looks like Linspire is not for me. Luckily all my settings and files are intact. I guess this can be |0(|<3d!


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