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Old 05-28-2006, 01:23 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2006
Posts: 57

Rep: Reputation: 15
Angry Never Winter nights

HI, I am trying to install neverwinter nights through their linux client into my linspire operating system. This is what it says to do"
Installing Using Downloaded Linux Client Resources

1. Download and extract the contents of the Linux Client Resources (nwresources129.tar.gz, 1.12 GB). This file is available for download from these mirror site(s):

* Linux Client Resources v1.29 - Fileshack
* Linux Client Resources v1.29 - BioWare

2. For a non-english install, you will also need the appropriate language file. Download and extract the contents of the language file into the 'nwn' directory created by extracting the files in Step 1. These files are available for download from these mirror site(s):

* German Language Files v1.29 (.tar.gz, 364 MB) - BioWare
* French Language Files v1.29 (.tar.gz, 341 MB) - BioWare
* Spanish Language Files v1.29 (.tar.gz, 4 MB) - BioWare
* Italian Language Files v1.29 (.tar.gz, 4 MB) - BioWare

3. Log in to download the Linux Client binaries. If you do not have an account, sign up for an account now! It's free and allows you greater access to all the BioWare sites.

4. Extract the contents of Linux Client binaries (nwclient129.tar.gz) into the 'nwn' directory created by extracting the files in Step 1.

5. Update to latest version.

6. Play the Game. To run Neverwinter Nights, run ./nwn or ./dmclient from your install directory to run the player client or DM client respectively.
I am using the platinum version so I found these in the nwn fourm for the linux client:


It turns out that installing the DVD-ROM version of the platinum edition is really quite simple for linux. However most of the instructions I found were confusing so I thought I might post the details of my exploits.

1. be sure cdrom is mounted and you have access to it !

2. create a directory for nwn, I chose /usr/local/nwn

3. unzip the following files from the cdrom into the nwn directory (in this order):

This will take a while as they expand to > 3GB worth of stuff.

4. install client. Other instructions I've read left me feeling very confused about what exactly was supposed to be done for the client install. here's what I did:

You need the following files (just 2 !):


untar'ed nwclient129 into the nwn directory.

tar xvzf nwclient129.tar.gz

Run fixinstall:


run nwn. Enter the nwn key then exit. This step is strictly a check to make sure it will run. Chances are you can skip it.

delete all the files in the override directory (why is this necessary ?!)

rm override/*

Untar the 165 patch file in the nwn directory:

tar xvzf linuxhotuclientupdate1xxto165eng.tar.gz

Run nwn again and it should ask for SoU and HoU keys.
I have done what both of the instructions say and I am trying to run it however, I am not getting any where in it. I try the run command and then the konsole command
./dmclient or ./nwn
However, I can't seem to get the game running, since it takes forever for anyone to help on the fourm I was wondering what it looks like I am doing wrong from the more experience linspire users thanks.
Old 05-29-2006, 07:23 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Aberdeen Scotland
Distribution: elive,sidux,xp,pclinuxos super gamer, mandriva 2007
Posts: 417

Rep: Reputation: 30
I installed nwn following the instructions on the nwn site no problem - make sure you are in your nwn directory before running ./nwn. Do you get any error messages?


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