Loading Linspirelive hangs
Linspire's site seems to be down for maintence so I decided to post here.
Trying to load live CD on a Dell XPS T500 (P3/500) and it hangs about 1/3 of the way through. In diagnostic mode the last line is:
"Run "exec /sbin/init2" to start system"
"(none) : /#_ " (blinking cursor)
It stops here and goes no further.Then at some undetermined point in time it proceeds to the end but fails to start up.
Following is some of the message:
umount: /initrd: device is busy
I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 63336
cloop: Read error at pos 31229402 in file <NULL>, 11931 bytes lost.
cloop:error -3 uncompressing block 1100 65536/0/11931/0 31229402-31241333
'linux': unknown terminal type.
I/O error:............................same as above with different numbers...................
start-stop-daemon: Unable to start /usr/bin/kdm: Input/output error
Linspire Linux on tty1
linspirelive login: (no login works)
I am new to Linux so an intrepretation of the above would be appreciated.
I have "installed" this Linspire CD successfully on a more up-to-date computer, and I have installed other live distros on this computer. Plus I have installed Xandros to the harddrive of this computer so I know Linux can be loaded.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Last edited by pokeyb; 12-12-2004 at 08:17 PM.