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Linspire/Freespire This Forum is for the discussion of Linspire and Freespire.


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Old 08-06-2005, 04:55 AM   #16
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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I have used CNR to install lots of programs as root and as a user. I have NEVER had a problem with running as a user....
Old 08-06-2005, 01:38 PM   #17
Registered: Jul 2004
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Originally posted by Simon Bridge
I think that lusers fresh from windows will like linspire. However, I think they will miss their windows. Can we hear from the linspire users in this forum?
Well that's the whole Idea behind Linspire, They feel that people comming from a Windows environment don't want to learn a whole new OS (way of working with their computers) they just want to surf the net, use a word processor, send email, ... and they want it with ZERO learning. So Linsprire tries to offer a method to transfer from Windows to Linux. If you read their forums you'll see that many people are happy with it but offcourse there are also people who don't like it and go back to Windows.

I personally think that Linspire is a great way to learn basic Linux and when you feel more comfortable using it you can always "evolve" to a more "traditional" distro like Debian, Slackware, ... but those are just to hard for a newbie to learn (allthough most distro's are getting easier to use now). And people who don't want to learn Linux but just use it will probably remain using Linspire and CNR for a long time.

There are many good nix's which are also good for newbies. But it would be bad form to mention them here (in linspire forum).
Offcourse there are many other distro's that are great for newbies, Xandros, Lycrois, Mdk (Mandriva or whatever their name is now), ... but they are all diffrent and I think that's a good thing since it offers the people some choice. I feel that Xandros is trying even more to be like Windows (IMHO it looks more like Windows then Linspire where Linspire is more going for a Mac-Ish look).
And I have no problem talking about other distro's not here and not on the Linspire forums (if it's not bashing I don't see why someone can't post his personal experiences with whatever distro they use) Offcourse for support you might be better of with a Forum that's specific for that distro since those people will know that distro better then any other distro.
Old 08-13-2005, 07:11 PM   #18
Registered: Jun 2003
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a buddy of mine keeps telling me he's gonna try Linspire. he's never used linux before and he wants the transition to be as painless as possible. I keep telling him to use Ubuntu/Kubuntu but I have a feeling the stubborn bastard is still going to go to compusa and buy linspire...

some people may disagree with this but I think the sudo setup that Ubuntu uses is the best blend of system security and ease of use. if i'm about to do anything that could potentially screw up my system I'm simply prompted for my password. doesn't get much easier than that.
Old 08-13-2005, 07:37 PM   #19
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 115

Rep: Reputation: 15
I think Ubuntu did very well with the sudo setup, and I am not a huge fan of Ubuntu. Xandros is a very easy linux to start with. I wouldn't suggest just running down and buying a box, buy it online with a coupon and get it for free! Of course I wouldn't suggest linspire at all.....


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