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Old 03-27-2004, 02:02 PM   #76
Registered: Jan 2004
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I agree with the proponents of Lindows, what's the big deal? It has the LINUX console, so therefore it is linux. I think it is GREAT for new people to get used to the enviroment, and later get a more advanced distro. I have never used it myself, but I see no reason to bash it.
Old 03-28-2004, 02:30 AM   #77
Registered: Feb 2004
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ive tried lindows, its great for those who enjoy file sharing, music email, messenging and that, but not for more advanced users who compile and such, i ran into dependincy hell trying o install gcc and couldnt use it to compile, lindows just doesnt have the right packages in it to use all linux programs
Old 03-28-2004, 05:39 PM   #78
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I also enjoy file sharing, music, email, instant messaging within slackware. I don't see how that has much to do with the use of lindows, since these things can be enjoyed in any distro. Second, the term linux originally referred to an OS that used the linux kernel. Today, however, linux is much more than a generic name for a kernel. When people say linux they mean so much more than just a kernel. When I say linux, do you just think of a kernel? I highly doubt it and if you disagree with me then you're lying to yourself. No one has got any beef with it being easier. But about how they did it. Suse is a great example of the "right" way to do it. Allthought the lack of a compiler by default on their install is annoying.

Last edited by Rico16135; 04-06-2004 at 07:41 PM.
Old 03-28-2004, 06:14 PM   #79
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Originally posted by Rico16135
Second, the term linux originally referred to an OS that used the linux kernel.
If you continue like that Stallman's gonna come after you.
Old 03-28-2004, 06:17 PM   #80
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f you continue like that Stallman's gonna come after you.
Heh, heh. I almost posted that too.
Old 03-29-2004, 02:45 AM   #81
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well come on now, calling it gnu/linux isn't any easier to say.
Old 04-06-2004, 04:35 AM   #82
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This is to RICO16135

If you load a program in, are you not using root access? Are you not in root when you compile what ever? Ever load up Gentoo? Guess what, the command line you are in is ROOT! Many of the older versions of distros you were in root when you started. Susie, I had to be in root to down load the updates before some of the packages would work under the users.

Linux is a off shoot of Unix. What is Unix? Main frame server OS. Why Linux, a student in a Finland University wanted to be able to run Unix programs on his pc. Why? Because you only get time for one run of your program maybe twice a week on the University's computer. If the student could get Unix to run on his pc, then he could run his class programs as many times needed at the doorm.

Why are you so butt hurt that Lindows comes up in root? User is a home partition to put your settings and stuff in so it does not get over written when you do a system update and you will do that from root. User is used for servers, not a stand alone pc, do not want that user to be able to crash the network. 9 out of 10 people are computer users, they have no care about how a computer works, they just want it to work. It is a tool to do something with, most of them do not know what the OS is, let alone why is it not working. Is this to hard for you to understand? Am I going to fast for you?

So why are you so butt hurt about Lindows, is it because you are a free loader and you can not get it for free? Why, you do not even use the OS, why are you bashing it. You have not given a good reason why. Why bash the person who gave good reasons why they use Lindows, but found this forum to a mess thanks to people like you, will not be back. Go back to the Slackware forum and be a dumbass there.
Old 04-06-2004, 07:21 PM   #83
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Zeeone please edit your post. This is a forum for rational debates. We do not accept name calling or personal attacks. Yes, debates can get heated but they should always remain polite and not resort to simple name calling.

Rico and others have legitimate concerns which were answered by Lindowskendall. Leaping in with comments such as yours one week after the last post and a little over one week after Rico16135's last post in this thread is absolutely pointless.

Refer to the Rules you agreed to when you signed up.
Old 04-06-2004, 07:22 PM   #84
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First of all don't ever presume to assume I don't know linux or the history behind linux.

Know let me break down your statements showing you the holes.

If you load a program in, are you not using root access? Are you not in root when you compile what ever? Ever load up Gentoo? Guess what, the command line you are in is ROOT! Many of the older versions of distros you were in root when you started. Susie, I had to be in root to down load the updates before some of the packages would work under the users.
You do not have to be root to compile. You do have to be root however to install in directories that you do not have permission in. Common system programs my run as root, but that is not the same thing as being logged in as root. Get your facts straight. Many older versions of linux did use root by default. But things have changed and the majority no longer adhere to that standard. There is a reason for that. Google it if you want to learn why. I already do know. IT WAS A BAD IDEA. Yes in SuSE you do have to have root priviliges in order to install updates, but it prompts you for the root password, so its no big deal. And I would not want it any other way. Currently I am using SuSE, and yes you do need root access to accomplish that, but I only have Yast run as root. NOT MY ENTIRE SYSTEM.

Linux is a off shoot of Unix. What is Unix? Main frame server OS. Why Linux, a student in a Finland University wanted to be able to run Unix programs on his pc. Why? Because you only get time for one run of your program maybe twice a week on the University's computer. If the student could get Unix to run on his pc, then he could run his class programs as many times needed at the doorm.
First of all, there are versions of Unix that are not primarily main frame server operating systems. Ever heard of Solaris 8? Second, I have no need for a history lesson from you. I'll go to school for that or research it myself.

Why are you so butt hurt that Lindows comes up in root? User is a home partition to put your settings and stuff in so it does not get over written when you do a system update and you will do that from root. User is used for servers, not a stand alone pc, do not want that user to be able to crash the network. 9 out of 10 people are computer users, they have no care about how a computer works, they just want it to work. It is a tool to do something with, most of them do not know what the OS is, let alone why is it not working. Is this to hard for you to understand? Am I going to fast for you?
No offense but I will never take security advice from someone that can't see the danger in a system running as root. Take a long hard look at the problems Microsoft is having with virii. You might be right about 9 out of 10 people not caring ,but that in know way means that 90% of the world has the technical expertise to decide whether or not complete root access is a good idea. Leave it to the rest of us who care what Linux is as a whole. And you tell me this now... Am I going to fast for you?

So why are you so butt hurt about Lindows, is it because you are a free loader and you can not get it for free? Why, you do not even use the OS, why are you bashing it. You have not given a good reason why. Why bash the person who gave good reasons why they use Lindows, but found this forum to a mess thanks to people like you, will not be back. Go back to the Slackware forum and be a dumbass there.
I am not a free loader. I am an avid supporter of the open source community as well as a contributor. Also, I am currently using SuSE which by the way I liked so much I BOUGHT IT. And already preordered 9.2. Don't confuse voicing concerns with bashing. They are two very different things. I do have a good reason why. Perhaps you should read this other post which can be found here. ( it also had a very good response from a lindows user by the way, enough to make me drop the whole topic, until today that is. ) More specifically the second page halfway down. I did my research. Do yours. And please refrain from using profane language. If you don't like this thread then don't read it. There are plenty of other threads to read instead.

Last edited by Rico16135; 04-06-2004 at 07:53 PM.
Old 04-10-2004, 02:42 AM   #85
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To XaviierP

Because I refuse to match wits with an unarmed person, I will responed to you. I came to this forum to find more about Lindows from the third point of view. My reasons are that in the real world, 90 percent, plus of the HOME PCs out there run Winblows. I have a Winblows 98 SE machine, but I also have two Linux machines and have had them for a few years. I do a lot of work on HOME COMPUTERS, lots of them older ones, belive me I get alot of feed back from the owners. I have watched linux grow and go, waiting for it to become useable enough for the normal every day HOME COMPUTER user to deal with, then I will start moving my customers to Linux.

Now which distro? so many to choose from, so many new ones out now. The last distro version worked great, few bugs, newest version just full of bugs, so I use the forums and not just this one, to see how the distros are doing. Now I am going to pick on this forum, a few weeks back when I pop into, checked the Linux - Distributions forum and saw the new LindowsOS forum. I thought, wow Lindows is moving up in the world it has a forum, in I went.

Well at the time it was new, only three posts, two of them did not like Lindow very much. I checked some of the other local forums, then poped out to elsewhere. The second time I stopped in there were more posts, but the bashing was getting more, no useful info yet so I left. The date of my last post was the third time in reading the Lindows forum, I have never seen so much bashing of a Linux distro as I have seen here, even when someone says something positive about Lindows ( which is a few brave ones ) they get nailed.

Have you counted the number of times you and the other moderators have had to jump in to keep the boat on an even keel? I stopped after six. Gee I could hardly wait to read this forum "LindowsOS is not Linux". Sorry, but after reading this one, something had to be said. As far as my response time to post, I do not live my life on This forum is for rational debates, I do not see the word "rational" applying here yet. No I am not going to edit my post, I can take the heat, sorry for breaking your rules.

But I guess the bottom line with the Lindows fourm is, just because it is not used for corporation networking systems, it is just worth a crud. I just though all of these forums were about getting Linux running on HOME PCs, guess not. Guess I will have to go back and rethink where the heck is root for Winblows too. Well wasted enough of my time on this forum, maybe I will drop back in in a few months to see if the "rational" is in yet. Oh, I just can't help my self, Say dumdass, can you run Solaris 8 on a HOME PC?
Old 04-10-2004, 09:31 PM   #86
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uh.. yea.. you can run solaris on an x86 platform if that is your question. Hard to know if that's what you meant since you didn't define "home computer."
more info on solaris here

If you click on that link and scroll down to system requirements you will see what they suggest as far as hard drive space goes for a desktop and a server installation. Obviously this means it is meant as either a desktop enviornment or as a server.

look up the word bashing and then look up the meaning of critisism. If you don't agree with people then don't but I'm growing tired of dealing with unknowledged people as yourself. Please do your research before you open your mouth. Lindows has a lot of great things about it. No one disputed that. We were discussing its security model. If you don't like it too bad. Go somewhere else.

Last edited by Rico16135; 04-11-2004 at 09:28 AM.
Old 04-10-2004, 09:34 PM   #87
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if you don' like lindows why do you use it. If it is so expensive why do you pay for it?

For myself i like debian and i use it , i've got what i need , wouldn't install lindows even for free.
Old 04-10-2004, 09:41 PM   #88
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Talking LOL!

wouldn't install lindows even for free
You ...... don't know what you're missing!
Old 04-10-2004, 10:07 PM   #89
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LindowsKendall, I am on your side.
Old 04-10-2004, 10:37 PM   #90
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so are you all linux newbies... :-) can't roll with the big one

If i don't like it and won't use it might mean because i don't need it. I never said lindows sucks or something like that. If it is what you think it is a misunderstanding. I guess windows users will like lindows. I am for everything different from win32, so lindows rocks :-)

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