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Old 03-02-2004, 07:18 PM   #31
Registered: Feb 2004
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hahahahaha I love these types of posts. It really brings out the zealots and the more hobby oriented Linux user.

I've used the Live CD of Lindows (4.0 I think) and I can say it was what got me into wanting to actually use Linux as an alternative to WinXP. And really at this stage of the game it can only really be looked at as an alternative.

I use Fedora and really like it. It has its annoying points but what software doesn't. I'm sure if each and every one of us could write our own "perfect" OS we'd all have very different and diverse products to show one another.

Old 03-02-2004, 07:58 PM   #32
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Welcome to the Linux religion wars

Thinking about the whole Lindows thing I think the original issue was about the source code not being released.Dumb as I am I don't even know they did that by now or not and what source code was the problem.There is of course the need for guys being out there and screaming murder in cases like that.Otherwise the GPL would fall apart pretty quick.
On the other hand Lindows can't be that bad - seems like a couple of debian dev's earn their bucks there.At least thats one of them wrote on a debian list.
There will always be a need for people that rather pay for solutions than do something themselves.How good Lindows serves that purpose is beyond me - never used it.
There are people paying for doctors.You could also go out and learn surgery yourself to do that heart transplant and know whats going on all the way when you cut off that blood vessels but some people just opt for a pro - how good he is or not is generally not something they know either.

Don't try this at home now!

Last edited by crashmeister; 03-02-2004 at 07:59 PM.
Old 03-03-2004, 07:59 AM   #33
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well perhaps before anyone thinks they "know" enough about lindows to post you should read this interesting article. here

its not any one thing like being able to download it for free. or the default root issue. so don't belittle my argument without proper research.

Last edited by Rico16135; 03-03-2004 at 08:00 AM.
Old 03-03-2004, 08:32 AM   #34
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The guy that wrote that article is obviously one of Stallman's disciples.May I quote:
'Stay AWAY from this company. It's an Edsel, driven by a lying driver who signs deals with the devil.'

Just to show that you can prove anything on the internet:,00.asp

According to this Lindows is the greatest thing since stainless beer.
Old 03-03-2004, 09:54 AM   #35
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please oh please don't redirect me to sites that start off with " Mom Meets Linux"

My argument dealt with a review as well as references on the reviewer's site displaying evidence of his claims. Not a newb's review of an OS. We weren't talking about if it was easy to use or not. But whether you should use it at all.

but i will concede that stainless beer would be great.
Old 03-04-2004, 02:23 AM   #36
LindowsOS Community Liaison
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The Lindows perspective

Originally posted by Rico16135
please oh please don't redirect me to sites that start off with " Mom Meets Linux"
Why not? A majority of "Moms" in this world don't run Linux and probably never will. No matter how easy you think Linux is to use -- it's not. The people who are advanced Linux users never have been the 'target market' for LindowsOS. Kevin Carmony (the President of once said on OSnews that trying to sell LindowsOS to the guys who read OSnews is sort of like trying to sell oil changes at a mechanic's convention. Many of you are OBVIOUSLY Linux savvy. You can tweak your systems, compile your kernel, and do whatever you want with a distro. But, unfortunately 95% of the world is not like that. My brother turns on his computer, checks email, plays a few games and turns it off. He runs Microsoft Windows because that is the only thing he knows how to use. He isn't into computers at all. To him it's just a tool to get a job done. He could care less about his CPU speed, the amount of RAM he has, or what OS version he's running. This is the target market of LindowsOS. We are trying to take Linux and package and market it in a way that appeals to the non-computer user. By default all of these people buy machines with MS Windows preinstalled on them. That is where wants to be. We realize that most non-technical users don't install an operating system on their computer. They buy a new one... or have someone come over and do it for them.

And, I know that most of you have probably ended up playing the role of "tech support" for your friends and family before. It sucks when you have to explain to someone how to install drivers, or configure their hardware. LindowsOS is trying to make an easy-to-use distro that even the most novice user can operate without having to call in the "tech support" guy. Of course the simplicity and goals of do not appeal to you -- and for many of you the OS would not meet your needs. Fine. But, if someone else chooses to run a different flavor of Linux... why would it matter? If you don't like LindowsOS you can choose something else. But, there are many out there who LindowsOS appeals to. They don't mind paying someone to help make it easier for them to learn about Linux. I have never understood why people go out of their way to smear or talk negatively about someone else's distro? There are many distros out there. If you find one that you like then use it. Talk about all the benefits of the distro that you like. But, don't go out of your way to sling mud at someone else. In the long run it doesn't help anyone and you always end up covered in mud.

If you don't like LindowsOS -- you can always skip over this forum and ignore the posts here. Going out of your way to say negative things about another distro is counterproductive. The people (like my brother) who don't know the difference between any of the distros only see this as negative quarrelling and it only gives them a bad impression of the Linux community. Who knows... maybe someone will discover LindowsOS and get turned on to Linux? After awhile they might feel more comfortable using Linux and go on to try Mandrake, Suse, and Xandros? Eventually they might be compiling their kernel in Slackware? Everyone has their own reasons for choosing an OS -- who are we to decide for them? Linux is about choice. When Linux wins -- we all win.
Old 03-04-2004, 03:34 AM   #37
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Sorry you feel that way... I can only think it is out of a lack of Knowledge.
Lindows is Linux...
You can use apt-get if you like as it is debian... It has been built with a purpose like every other version of Linux...
Problem is it is so simple for newbie linux users that the old hands at Linux dont realise some of the way it has been setup and why... it is too new to them..
Ignorance they say is bliss... sorry but i have never found it blissfull..
I have used lots of Linux distros and find that Lindows for an average non Geek computer user is about as easy as it gets... The average granny can use this and install it by herself in 10 minutes ... an ignorant granny at that... now thats easier and better for the non geek than any other OS on thge planet..
Please give credit where it is due...
I dont drive my 4WD in the F1 races... and an F1 would be worse than useless in the Mud and bog..

I repeat that Lindows is built for a specific purpose.. like the other distros use the distro that is designed for you... Lindows is not designed for the gear heads of the planet

Also please give Lindows the credit it deserves as it is the 1 distro that is having the greatest pull on the normal comuter community away from MS products...
Some will start out on Lindows and learn linux basics on it (yes you can do all that console stuff and use all those Linux commands funny enough) then some will want to be more geeks (I conside myself a geek by the way) and move to more complicated Linux distros.

Now isnt that a good thing...? start simple and when you get to know a few things you can get complicated and learn apt-get and zillions of other command line tricks.. if you want..

Give Lindoes a go... it is a fantastic distro and fits perfectlyinto the slot it was DESIGNED FOR...
Old 03-04-2004, 03:44 AM   #38
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Well look at all the hottentots!

With their fancy anti-Linux words.


Yeah, that's right. When you're so divisive, you're not doing any Linux any favors. So snob it up, but realize that what you're saying isn't helping the cause one bit. And to cut off any "well neither is x-distro that I don't like" business off at the pass, the beauty of Linux is that you don't have to use one that you don't like.

Like it or lump it, people are using Lindows and it's their choice to do so. That's what Linux is all about.

Peace baby!


Last edited by SomeGirlLindows; 03-04-2004 at 03:45 AM.
Old 03-04-2004, 04:09 AM   #39
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Ya what SomeGirl Said LOL.
Old 03-04-2004, 09:38 AM   #40
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Red face Whatever

The simple fact of the matter is that Lindows is a wonderful choice for people that are tired of Windows and want an inexpensive alternative. I'm sure my mother wouldn't have a clue when it came to installing anything under a regular distro. But under Lindows she can have a stable work environment for her day to day computing needs. Whereas Windows has crashed time and time again(because we all know the uneducated windows user will end up wit a ton of spyware, worms and viruses). Anyways, as far as the cost of click-n-run... well it's what the average consumer pays for convenience and hassle free installations. Now if you are a hardcore Linux junkie like myself, I can tell you I've installed many things on Lindows using deb. and if it's an RPM you want use alien to convert it to deb, no problem! I have multiple WM's on Lindows as well and the only snag I found was changing the login to allow different wm's to be chosen and a sound issue in Enlightement. Look, I think alot of people's time would be better well spent coming up with solutions and new ideas for distros than complaining and comparing. If you have a negative experience, please post what and why, but the incessant whining can be annoying and a bit overwhelming.

Last edited by beatupbilly; 03-04-2004 at 09:42 AM.
Old 03-04-2004, 02:32 PM   #41
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Originally posted by Rico16135
well perhaps before anyone thinks they "know" enough about lindows to post you should read this interesting article. here

Honestly, if you're going to link to an article stating that you should know it before you form an opinion, please make sure the article is an objective review.

The reviewer that wrote that article was so entirely subjective, and set in the ways of the already existing mindset of the "real linux user", that there is no way that anyone could possibly come to an informed opinion.

I recently read a movie review of '50 First Dates', a movie that both my wife and I enjoyed quite a lot. The problem with that review is the same as the problem with the one you posted. The person writing the review hated Adam Sandler and all his movies. Not the person I'd want to get an objective opinion from, IMO.

The way to get a true 'review' of any linux distribution is to have a user who knows nothing about Linux sit down and try to use/install it. If you want some of those, check out the forums on, there are quite a few. Some good, some bad. But, at least, they're objective.
Old 03-04-2004, 04:14 PM   #42
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whether or not lindows is easy to use, or if we should even welcome lindows into this forum was never under question, so i don't quite understand the reasoning for your posts. That was why I didn't want to hear a newbies review on lindows. What I'm touching on has more to do with who they are and HOW they do it.

if you read the article I think that touched on the real issue i was trying to touch on.

a review is a reviewers opinion on what he reviewed, so I don't understand if you don't agree with what he posted or you don't understand the issue i was trying to talk about.

And don't ever assume that I am not knowledged in linux or what linux is. We all have an opinion on what linux is so don't agree if you want, but never pass personal judgements on me.
Old 03-04-2004, 04:18 PM   #43
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by voicing my concerns, opinions, and my contributions to the open-source world, I am making a difference. If I understand correctly you'd rather have me shutup and not talk about a linux distro just becaus it uses the linux kernel with open source software. That is not the true spirit of linux. Change starts with talk. So thanks for the advice but I'll leave that one be.
Old 03-04-2004, 04:24 PM   #44
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Stepping in, before this gets too heated ......

Lindowskendall can answer this dfinitively (and I hope you don't think I'm putting you on the spot ) - why is the default user Root?

And we've all agreed that Lindows is Linux - Rico16135 also - so can we leave that part of the argument. To summarise, Rico16135 feels that LindowsOS is bad because the default user is Root and there is no overt message to change that.

Until Lindowskendall answers, can we keep it on track please?

Old 03-04-2004, 04:37 PM   #45
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heh.. thanx XavierP

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