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Old 08-03-2005, 02:05 PM   #421
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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Originally posted by jaketate
"I was a Windows user, Linspire change my mind, first proof."
oh well, hard evidence there, call distrowatch and tell them to move linspire up to #1 and call redhat, sandros, and the others and tell them to close shop RIGHT NOW!

" Now I have also copies of Ubuntu, Xandros, Red Hat, Suse. I have them on my PC and it is showed at least to 4 guys per day, all of them liked Linspire over the others because compatibility with wma, quicktime, java, mp3, dvd, etc out of the box."
They liked that they still were using closed formats? They liked they are supportting the very people hat would liek to see linux disappear? They like that they have a dictator that says wether they can play their home movies.... Oh, i feel sick already! I wont even ask why four guys come to your house everyday

...I wont bother with the rest, it is tooo funny already...

awww ok..
"Nobody wanted the other distros."
Well I am sure you explained all the pros and the CONS of linspire as well as those other distros fairly then and they chose correctly...... I am sure you werent biased! Of course I could probably dig up a hundred other posts similar to that and insert whatever named distro....

everything just works huh.... well, let me head over to the forums and look at your post history and see if the proof is int he pudding....
I sell computers and also give systems services

In fact I explain all the cons and beneficts of all distros, normally for big companys that have a system administrator It's better a Red Hat, Suse, and Even Ubuntu.

For some companies that depend on some apps that can't run under wine/crossover Windows is the good one.

But for Small buisness/home user (the one I'm talking about) there's no better alternative than Linspire. Go ahead get a Windows /Linux Newbie user at front of a PC, give him Red Hat and tell him install let's see... superkaramba just telling him where's the file, let him alone... what happen?? nothing he is lost
Now put Linspire tell him install superkaramba and tell him where's the file.. let him alone, one click and then he has it installed...

What the user will say.. oh! it's easier than XP... (The coparisson obviosly will be with XP not Linux, cuase he know both Lisnpire and red hat are Linux)

The rest will be.. Linux is great and easy.. I like it.. then he will find out some comands when using Linspire, and then he will be fine to take the risk with a other not comercial Linux...

Yeap that was me... and much more Linux newbies...

Maybe some people feel angry with Linspire cause guys like me that didn't know nothing about Linux, have Linux PC, DVD, MP3's, OpenOffice, Firefox, Themes, Icons, Superkaramba, Limewire, Baghira, Dockers, apache, linux networks, setup DSL connection, and more stuff... Than can be accomplish With 0 (Cero) knowledge of Linux!!!!!

I haven't touch the comand line in my Linspire during the last 8 months!!!!! and have all app's I want to.

Yes I now know Linux since I started to like it thanks Linspire and now I had worked on the other distros finding out how you knowledge guys install apps.

Last edited by ELBATO21; 08-03-2005 at 02:13 PM.
Old 08-03-2005, 02:21 PM   #422
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 15

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Originally posted by jaketate

everything just works huh.... well, let me head over to the forums and look at your post history and see if the proof is int he pudding.... [/B]
By the way look at my posts on Linspire forums ...

153 posts up to now, and yes everything worked for me... had a little trouble with wine and Crossover (not Linspire fault) but the people at the forums helped me to resolve the issues (even more helpfull than the Codeweavers people).

Even my multifunctional HP PSC 2110 works (scan and print)

Go check...

and I'm tired.. you don't like it ok.. but dont blame the distro... I don't like some distros but don't blame about them,... every distro has it's target market...

And also any tiem you wanna come to my home you're welcome, but fon't get tired of seeing people coming and going all the day (my office is at my home)
Old 08-03-2005, 02:22 PM   #423
Registered: Aug 2005
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hit me baby one more time....
Old 08-03-2005, 02:26 PM   #424
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 115

Rep: Reputation: 15
so did you explain to all those converts that some of their money may still go to SCO? and.... nah i will stop like a nice person.... i wont make post after post after post like some people...
Old 08-03-2005, 03:01 PM   #425
Registered: May 2004
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Linspire is not good. It's not even that user friendly. The people who think it is are just under a false impression of "user friendliness" because it "detects" their hardware because they pay third party distributors to include drivers in their distro, even though you can download all of those drivers for free from other places.

Every other linux distro in the world supports wma/ms office/wmv/asf/quicktime/real once configured, and all you have to do is download 1 file from the mplayer website and untar it.

Linspire is slow(slower than windows), unstable(more unstable than windows), and expensive(more expensive than windows).

Let me explain. Windows xp came out in 2001. If you bought that then, you get FREE updates until ms stops offering them. If you bought linspire in 2001 then you would have to pay 50$ a year to get updates which SHOULD be free but aren't. Over the years that would build up to 250+, which is more expensive than windows xp professional, and windows xp is superior to linspire in every way(to linspire's target audience) except for the fact that linspire uses the linux kernel.

Now i can't believe i'm saying that, but linspire has to be the only company that treats it's customers worse than Microsoft.

Here is an idea. Maybe they should offer security and bugfix updates for free to users, and then let them pay for CNR if they want so that they can install software "in one click" *cough*lies*cough*. I can't really think of another distro that made you pay for security updates. IF linspire offered free updates then maybe i wouldn't dislike them as much as i do currently.
Old 08-03-2005, 03:58 PM   #426
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Originally posted by liquidtenmilion
Linspire is not good. It's not even that user friendly. The people who think it is are just under a false impression of "user friendliness" because it "detects" their hardware because they pay third party distributors to include drivers in their distro, even though you can download all of those drivers for free from other places.

Every other linux distro in the world supports wma/ms office/wmv/asf/quicktime/real once configured, and all you have to do is download 1 file from the mplayer website and untar it.

Linspire is slow(slower than windows), unstable(more unstable than windows), and expensive(more expensive than windows).

Let me explain. Windows xp came out in 2001. If you bought that then, you get FREE updates until ms stops offering them. If you bought linspire in 2001 then you would have to pay 50$ a year to get updates which SHOULD be free but aren't. Over the years that would build up to 250+, which is more expensive than windows xp professional, and windows xp is superior to linspire in every way(to linspire's target audience) except for the fact that linspire uses the linux kernel.

Now i can't believe i'm saying that, but linspire has to be the only company that treats it's customers worse than Microsoft.

Here is an idea. Maybe they should offer security and bugfix updates for free to users, and then let them pay for CNR if they want so that they can install software "in one click" *cough*lies*cough*. I can't really think of another distro that made you pay for security updates. IF linspire offered free updates then maybe i wouldn't dislike them as much as i do currently.

You are worst informed............... (just when you said that you have to pay for fixupdates)

The rest is already explained in this thread ... go read it...


I have Lisnpire, I can install on ALL my computers, I have 2 years of CNR subscription, I'm insider and get all the Betas directly for testing, I'll get the new releases for free, we talk directly with the CEO and Lisnpire staff, all of our coments are taken into consideration

I had only paid 49.95 and helped the IRMA team and got all of this and more...

Only one computer with windows no software, no easy, no eye candy, virus, spyware, and all you know... 150 dlls!, and the next year Longhorn will be out and I'll be not able to download it for free...

XP Cost more... except you crak it to install on all your computers.

Last edited by ELBATO21; 08-03-2005 at 04:06 PM.
Old 08-03-2005, 04:03 PM   #427
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 115

Rep: Reputation: 15
thats a nice boulder.... (wait thats shrek)
thats a nice graphic! Do you see any instructions about how to receive security updates for free? I honestly have looked and never figured it out!
Old 08-03-2005, 04:11 PM   #428
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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Originally posted by jaketate
thats a nice boulder.... (wait thats shrek)
thats a nice graphic! Do you see any instructions about how to receive security updates for free? I honestly have looked and never figured it out!
Sure, when you purchase the license (or get it free.. google), you will have an account and all the security patches will be downlodables...
Old 08-03-2005, 04:22 PM   #429
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 115

Rep: Reputation: 15
so you have to purchase to get FREE updates.... yea ok, thanks a lot! gotcha! clear as mud now!
Old 08-03-2005, 04:26 PM   #430
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by jaketate
so you have to purchase to get FREE updates.... yea ok, thanks a lot! gotcha! clear as mud now!

You didn't read my post......

Obviusly you need to have the software to receive the updates.. what are you going to do with the updates without the software??????????? uh??

To get the software you can purchase or take the oportunities that linspire throw away frecuently to get the software for free!!

and again you don't need CNR for security updates!

what is not clear??
Old 08-03-2005, 04:30 PM   #431
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 115

Rep: Reputation: 15
then hypothetically speaking...
what is the process for getting those updates without CNR and without a account and all that?
Old 08-03-2005, 04:41 PM   #432
Registered: Jul 2004
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Originally posted by jaketate
then hypothetically speaking...
what is the process for getting those updates without CNR and without a account and all that?
I guess ELBATO21 is a bit confused here
I understand from that picture he posted that they try to provide ALL updates through CNR, so you would need to have CNR running but that's the default in Linspire anyways.
Now you don't need paying membership to get the updates but I guess you'll need to get a free acount to be able to download the updates (or maybe not I'm not sure).
but at least you'll have to have CNR running.
Old 08-03-2005, 04:43 PM   #433
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Currently: Linspire 5.0, SUSE 9.3. Testbed: PCLinuxOS, FC4, Ubuntu, Freeduc, Turkix
Posts: 24

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Security updates are available to ALL Linspire users at no charge, regardless if they subscribe to the CNR service or not
That is on the table listed in the above post.

we'll always make sure and provide the links or software for any security updates at no charge to all Linspire users.
I hope this clears up the "gotta pay for security updates" myth.

Old 08-03-2005, 04:50 PM   #434
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 115

Rep: Reputation: 15
uh now i am even more confused! am i missing something, someone please explain in non linspire terms
Old 08-03-2005, 04:52 PM   #435
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by CloudyWizzard
I guess ELBATO21 is a bit confused here
I understand from that picture he posted that they try to provide ALL updates through CNR, so you would need to have CNR running but that's the default in Linspire anyways.
Now you don't need paying membership to get the updates but I guess you'll need to get a free acount to be able to download the updates (or maybe not I'm not sure).
but at least you'll have to have CNR running.

Thanks dude, but nop I was not confused I said that, in different words but the same... thanks for clarify it for them...

CNR account and Linspire account is not the same, If you got the software you can open your account you get the free updates. If you purchase the CNR account then you will have access to the rest of what is shown on the table linked on my other post. (CNR software neither is the CNR account, CNR works by default on any Lisnpire box, with it you get the updates, with the CNR account you get the rest of easy of installing apps)

To clarify more things:

You still can get the source code of all the apps including linspire itself for free with or without accounts...... you can go to their web and find it by yourself, or let me know to guide you through.

Last edited by ELBATO21; 08-03-2005 at 05:02 PM.

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