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Linspire/Freespire This Forum is for the discussion of Linspire and Freespire.


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Old 06-01-2004, 03:50 AM   #46
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Texas, USA
Distribution: Slackware 9.1, SuSE 9.1
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I'll just waste a few more minutes on you, help you see the light as the saying goes. It's easy to research on the Internet and find something that exactly matches your point of view. How about a balanced review once in a while.
Why exactly am I suppose to give an unbiased review? I'm stating my problems with the OS. Is there some sort of unsaid rule that I have to say good things about it? In fact I do believe that the Linspire group has successfully made a fundamentally flawed, but easy to use OS. As long as you pay for it that is. If you don't like it leave. Or challenge the topic in question. Not me. By attacking me, you are showing me that you have nothing to say about what I or WebX brought up.

You are attacking Me personally with your signature, I'm surprised the mods let you post it like that. I use Fedora for almost everything but there are somethings I can't get a program for. I also use XP for my business dealings because my clients insist on complete compatibility of files. That makes me a Mindless Peon does it??
I never singled anyone out calling them "Mindless Peons". In fact, due to the sheer fact that you are at LQ would show me alot of things about you. None of them showing your capacity as a "Mindless Peon". So cry me a river. And what exactly does it matter what I think? Which is what I'm asking of your opinions right now too.

I don't use Linspire, but if I thought it would be of use to me then I would, regardless of your bigoted and biased view of it. You have the view that what you say must always be right.
What my opinions are, are right to me. And all of my posts are of my own opinion. Bigoted and biased? What do I have some sort of alternate agenda here? Get real. Still I find you ignoring the substance of my posts. Why? Nothing intelligent to say about that?

Your are about right. All you do is knock Linspire on a part of the forum that people come to because that use Linspire. I doubt they come here to listen to you rant against it. They come for help and encouragement.
So? They can always look at the other hundreds of threads that actually have something to do with a problem. Look at the topic on the thread. This was not a problem. And I'd never post anything critical to an OS when its just a topic on figuring out a problem.

This discussion is retarded and a waste of time and energy. Good luck testing out that hero comlex of yours.
Old 06-01-2004, 04:58 AM   #47
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Distribution: Linspire
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<i>What my opinions are, are right to me. And all of my posts are of my own opinion. Bigoted and biased? What do I have some sort of alternate agenda here? Get real. Still I find you ignoring the substance of my posts. Why? Nothing intelligent to say about that?</i>

Really? I suppose that's why you were so damn disturbed by me not saying the "right" things?
Btw, I thought you were supposed to leave the Linspire forum? *Tada* - now crawl back to where you came from!
Old 06-01-2004, 05:31 AM   #48
Registered: Aug 2003
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Dude, I'm not disturbed by anything you said, cuz you didn't say anything worth a damn. Hey I'd have been gone a long time ago if not for the retards trying to take personal shots. And how bout this. I'll stick around here indefenitely just for you.
Old 06-01-2004, 06:29 AM   #49
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Distribution: Linspire
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Originally posted by Rico16135
... I'd have been gone a long time ago if not for the retards trying to take personal shots.
Oh, you mean like yourself?

And how bout this. I'll stick around here indefenitely just for you.
Cute. Unforunately I don't love you too...
Old 06-01-2004, 03:29 PM   #50
Registered: Aug 2003
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I never took personal shots at anyone. I'm still waiting for you to attack the substance of my arguments. If you don't like what I have to say, then leave. This forum is not for personal attacks. Perhaps you need to reread the user guidelines that you agreed to when joining this forum.

Last edited by Rico16135; 06-01-2004 at 03:34 PM.
Old 06-02-2004, 12:50 AM   #51
Registered: Aug 2003
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Originally posted by XavierP
Linspire, afaik, is the first distro which is specifically aimed at people coming from Windows to Linux and who have either limited computer skills, or who do not want to spend time learning how to do things.
Linspire isn't the first to do this. Caldera Linux had this same goal and expanded on it greatly with the first release of Xandros then perfected it with Xandros 2.0. Redmond Linux is another and became Lycoris.

If anything, Linspire (the distro formerly known as Lindows) perfected the marketing of making everyone believe they were/are the only distribution made to be EXTREMELY easy for Windows converts.
Old 06-02-2004, 02:44 PM   #52
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@Rico16135, Ealm, Scratchit, consider this your first, last and final warning rolled into one.
Challenge one another on facts: don't play it on the person. This forum is for the benefit of Linspire users. Be constructive in your replies: if you want general banter go post in /General. Either help keeping this thread on topic or leave this thread. No more of this. You have been warned.

//If you want to discuss this warning, consider yourself invited to email me. Do not discuss moderation decisions in this thread.
Old 06-03-2004, 08:15 PM   #53
Registered: May 2004
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Originally posted by GreenerLinux
Linspire isn't the first to do this. Caldera Linux had this same goal and expanded on it greatly with the first release of Xandros then perfected it with Xandros 2.0. Redmond Linux is another and became Lycoris.

If anything, Linspire (the distro formerly known as Lindows) perfected the marketing of making everyone believe they were/are the only distribution made to be EXTREMELY easy for Windows converts.
Agreed. I have stated on a couple of other forum boards that the tried and true winner of the ease of use and overall good looks with Linux functionality definitely goes to Xandros. That is a nice little system they developed, and I have been smitten to snap up that distro to. I know there is Mepis, and Lycoris, but with Xandros, you get Crossoffice, which is worth the price of admission as well as their very well put together file manager.

Actually, I thought this thread was all but dead....
Old 07-05-2004, 10:29 PM   #54
Registered: May 2004
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Guys come on don't resort to personal flames. Does anyone even remember what this thread was originally intended for. As for his signature, show me where it says that all people who use windows are mindless peons. It says that windows xp is a good os for mindless peons. That means that mindless peons will like it not that all people who use it are mindless peons. And as for my opinions on linspire, i do not like it, but other people can use it if they want. My only problem is that they don't come with GCC or a way to install it other than through CNR, and one reason i use linux is because i am dirt poor. I truly cant afford $50 a year. (ok maybe i can as i pay that much for my internet access a month but i shouldn't have to)
Old 07-05-2004, 11:22 PM   #55
Registered: May 2004
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I find nothing wrong with XP, so in a way by what is overly stated here, I should be offended, but I am not simply based on the fact it is his opinion, and probably more importantly, his actual perspective among the possible audience he has dealt with or deals with either in his daily professional life or personal life. We all deal with our own "morons" in life and in different professions altogether. There are persons who are in the HVAC (Heating and Air conditioning) who have whole web site's dedicated to their "moron" clientele with pictures and forums to boot of their "nightmares" of mis-configured air duct systems. I understand what they are pointing out toward the idiot performance by misleading contractors, but many of you would not, so by that fact alone, they should not be held to their opinion because somebody thinks otherwise even though most have no understanding of the actual content that they are displaying or literally mocking.

I do believe that someday Linux will surpass Windows in the ease of use and also complete and comprehensive support arenas with such major players as Novel and Cisco coming to the rescue. What I may find amusing however in that not so distant future, what will be the next OS that we start chastising because it is not a OS that requires at least 4 years of constant use to understand? It seems to the Linux hardcore, a Linux system is not a Linux system unless the very mentioned attribute is in place. "You use a GUI Distro?" "Using text commands is the real mans Linux" "Using VI is the only way to edit files" blah blah blah...I have heard it a dozen times by assorted persons and I grow tired of it. The simple fact of the matter is, Linux is LInux. Take it for what it is. If I wanted to use nothing but text commands, I would by a typewriter and simply skip a computer altogether.

The basic fact of the matter is, there are many distros trying to become that next "windows" OS, but are straying from the Linux open source movement. Linspire in a way is one of those companies that are playing to the market of proprietary, but supporting Linux through contributions from members who are basically buying open source software which is disguised as a service. To me, that is not the proper way of doing things, but that is my opinion. I still give Linspire a benefit of a doubt until the much anticipated release of 5.0, but until then, it will be hard to convince me that Linspire is better than any other Linux distro, or XP.

In short, supporting Linux happens in every corner of every distro and if the distro bothers you so much to the point of bashing somebody trying to use Linux for the first time, then there will never be a wonder why XP will always have a advantage over Linux simply based off of the newbie/veteran status.


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