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Linspire/Freespire This Forum is for the discussion of Linspire and Freespire.


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Old 10-22-2021, 03:06 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question keyboard on Fujitsu

I installed Freespire on my Fujitsu Q-702 and everything was great. Then I was not able to connect to my wifi network. I tried different things with no success. Ended up reinstalling. It booted to dvd drive and reinstalled the program I assume. After it finished I tried to put my password for wifi and the keyboard does not use the correct digit. I try typing an i and I get a 5. I have looked at keyboard settings and I find one for Fujitsu but it doesn't change anything. Tried some others with same results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to go all Linux but keep having problems so I keep main computer in Win 10.
Old 10-22-2021, 03:41 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by JohnW.Mullins View Post
I installed Freespire on my Fujitsu Q-702 and everything was great. Then I was not able to connect to my wifi network. I tried different things with no success. Ended up reinstalling. It booted to dvd drive and reinstalled the program I assume. After it finished I tried to put my password for wifi and the keyboard does not use the correct digit. I try typing an i and I get a 5. I have looked at keyboard settings and I find one for Fujitsu but it doesn't change anything. Tried some others with same results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to go all Linux but keep having problems so I keep main computer in Win 10.
Maybe your laptop keyboard does not have a separate keypad, but some sort of Shift key instead, that will transform some keys into number keys?

... yep, I can see the i is also the 5. And in the top right there's a NumLk key, my guess is that it will en/disable that "feature".


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