Originally posted by fakie_flip
Linspire comes with two Debian repositories in it's sources.list. One does not work, so only one does. That is what is not enough.
Why not ?
The 2 repositories included with Linspire are the DEFAULT debian repositories for Debian stable. As I posted in another thread the 2nd one that isn't working has been removed by Debian. so it only leaves you with 1 debian repository. And that 1 repositorie should give you access to the 15490 packages.
the default Debian repository list looks like this :
now the non-us one has been removed since Debian Sarge went stable (like I said before) so that only leaves you with 2 and the security one only has security fixes and is ONLY needed if you use Debian stable (if you have Unstable or Testing you can remove it).
What I posted in another thread was the mirror (in Belgium) that I use to get my packages but they contain the exact same software (unless when it's a mirror that runs behind on the official Debian servers). It's also advisable to find a mirror in your location on debian.org since they might be faster then the crowded Debian servers.