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Linspire/Freespire This Forum is for the discussion of Linspire and Freespire.


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Old 03-05-2004, 09:37 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: a little west of Birmingham, AL, USA.
Distribution: Porteus 3.1
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Configuring new hardware, not RedHat Enabled

How would I go about configuring hardware without the RedHat tools? More specifically, I need to configure a sound card for use with Lindows 4 (which doesn't have sndconfig, I tried, it also don't have man ) I also need to configure a PCMCIA modem for use with Lindows as well. What tools are best for what?

Modem: It detects the US-Robotics 33.6K X2 upgradeable modem upon insertion and loads and unloads a Lucent driver several times. Trying to use it doesn't work (and my ISP software's only available for WinBlows or Lindows.). Removing it causes a kernel panic (Com3 not syncing, obviously since the device is not there anymore). Again, what tool do I use to set it up and test it? Device is a US Robotics model XJ1336 (33.6K Megahertz PCMCIA modem upgradeable to 56K X2 technology, made before the 56K speed was standardized).

Sound: What tool do I use to work on my sound card so aRTs can use it? It currently does NOTHING and I haven't seen the configuration utility under Lindows. Not sure what kind've device it is yet, though I am trying to probe it. It should autodetect if I can find how to query it.
Old 03-07-2004, 04:07 PM   #2
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Old 03-07-2004, 04:20 PM   #3
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Moving to the Lindows forum
Old 03-07-2004, 06:58 PM   #4
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Have you checked out Control Panel/Advanced Settings/Sound Server? (I'm going by memory here.)

Is this a Lindows 4.0 version or 4.5? The latest version of Lindows has really been a bust when it comes to modems.

One that is working for me is: Xircom PCMCIA 56K modem.

Every modem I had (three so far) that worked with 4.0's regular setup does not work with 4.5. That Lucent driver seems to be their answer to everything.

Sorry I am not more helpful.
Old 03-07-2004, 08:52 PM   #5
Registered: Mar 2003
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Originally posted by seakryan
Have you checked out Control Panel/Advanced Settings/Sound Server? (I'm going by memory here.)

Is this a Lindows 4.0 version or 4.5? The latest version of Lindows has really been a bust when it comes to modems.

One that is working for me is: Xircom PCMCIA 56K modem.

Every modem I had (three so far) that worked with 4.0's regular setup does not work with 4.5. That Lucent driver seems to be their answer to everything.

Sorry I am not more helpful.
No Info available about my soundcard. (done it with every Linux flavor I've tried on every computer I've used, even if the sound was working). btw: I'm using Lindows 4. Not 4.5. I bought it about a year ago.

I'm now putting it back up since it won't run my Linux programs either. I'm wondering if everything has to be Click-N-Run enabled before it will work under Lindows.
Old 03-08-2004, 02:50 AM   #6
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I've put in a few programs with apt-get. They just discourage using both apt-get and cnr. You can break cnr when you use apt-get. If you don't plan on using cnr - you can use apt-get.
Old 03-08-2004, 02:50 PM   #7
Registered: Mar 2003
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Is Lindows a Debian mix? if it is, I didn't know that.


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