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Libranet This forum is for the discussion of Libranet Linux.


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Old 11-02-2003, 11:30 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: Libranet, QNX
Posts: 7

Rep: Reputation: 0
Libranet problems...(kernel panic)

On a Libranet 2.8.1 install.

  • # Dual Intel Pentium 3 650 MHz cpu's
    # 640Mb of RAM
    # ATrend Freeway FW-6280BXDR/155 Motherboard
    # Echo Darla24 sound card
    # Creative Live! Soundblaster Platinum sound card
    # ATi 64Mb VIVO video card
    # Matrox Millenium II video card
    # Ricoh MP9060A DVD/CDRW
    # Panasonic LS-120 Superdisk drive
    # Adeptec 3100LP USB 2.0 card
    # Promise Ultra66 card
    # 7 hard drives, many of which are removable
    # Dell D1226H 19" Monitor
    # Optiquest Q71-2 17" Monitor
    # HP Deskjet 670C Printer
Major problems first...
I installed with only a few minor problems and then I had a series of lockups. The symptoms are screen freeze (must reboot) and the scrollock and numlock lights on the keyboard start flashing. The system doesn't respond to anything.

The freezes occur under a number of situations - untarring an archive, manipulating a file under gimp, surfing, apt-getting and sometimes while doing nothing.

At first I assumed that the problems were caused by some bug. So I eventually was able to successfully uprade my whole system (minus 4 packages) after a dozen freezes. That didn't fix anything so I tried upgrading the kernel... and using the smp option. I finally was able to catalog an error message:
Message from syslogd@Libratest........
Libratest Kernel: CPU 0: Machine check Exception: 0000000000000004

Message from syslogd@Libratest........
Libratest Kernel: Bank 4: b200000000040151

Message from syslogd@Libratest........
Libratest Kernel: Kernel Panic: CPU Context Corrupt
Any ideas?

Minor problems:

1) I want to enable dual monitors... but I'm not advanced enough yet to do it myself. I have a working installment of XandrOS (another debian based distro) with both monitors enabled. Can I use the XandrOS x86 config file on Libranet or even cut and paste a portion of it?

I've also posted this on another forum to extend the scope of answers. But this one seems to be a good one.

I've also asked the maintainers but it's the weekend.
Old 11-03-2003, 01:53 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Aug 2003
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Your kernel panic error "Libratest Kernel: Kernel Panic: CPU Context Corrupt" means that your processor (or one of them at least) has produced an error. This happens to me if I over-clock too far, and the processor overheats. Are both processor fans running? The situations when your system freeze sound like the sort of situations where your processors are running at full steam (untarring, etc), so I think you might have a cooling problem.

If your video card and monitors on the XandrOS machine are the same as the Libranet machine (or if you're dual booting) and the XFree86 version you're using are similar, then you can most probably copy the XFConfig(-4) file over.


Last edited by ilikejam; 11-03-2003 at 01:54 AM.
Old 11-04-2003, 03:02 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: Libranet, QNX
Posts: 7

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0

This may have done it, I opened the case, stuck a fan pointing directly at my cpu's and the guage went down and I was able to finish recompiling my kernel. So I obviously have a cooling problem. They're both slot 1's so I hope I can get a good cooling solution for a reasonable price.



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