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Old 05-11-2004, 11:04 PM   #16
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3. Openoffice does not have an dictoniary. Plus has problems with printing... I am sure that it is related to the latter above.
You can also run apt-get install ispell iamerican myspell-en-us wamerican wenglish and you should have all of the dictionaries and spell checking you can shake a stick at.
Old 05-12-2004, 06:47 AM   #17
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don't need ispell to have spelling checking in OO, there are dictionaries available at
Old 05-12-2004, 04:29 PM   #18
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Well compiled 2.6.6 and got the same error. I am using the Adminmenu to compile the kernel... could that be it? Wonder why?
How do you compile a 2.6 kernel... links anyone?
Old 05-13-2004, 01:29 AM   #19
Registered: Aug 2003
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well, then throw away your adminmenu for a sec and go to the commandline, type 'modprobe modulenameforyouNIC'. If all goes well nothing comes out, else post here. The modulename can probably be found by googling on 'yourNIC+modulename'.
Old 05-13-2004, 05:37 AM   #20
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All Adminmenu really does is unpack the kernel-source, make the link to /usr/src/linux and then install the kernel after you've configured and compiled it, unless it's gotten super-powers since I used Libranet 2.7.

It was a bit more convenient, but it's not as if it automated anything major, iirc-- it just made sure that you didn't forget any in the sequence of commands required to compile a kernel (which used to be fairly easy to do if you were a new Linux user trying to keep track of the several commands used under the 2.4-and-earlier series kernels).

The problem doesn't seem to be in the kernel per se, but in that particular alsa-modules.deb. Where is it coming from? It looks like you're trying to compile modules for one of your previous attempts for this attempt (suggesting that your symlink either is or at one time was lightly borked).

In any case, if you're trying to compile 2.6.6, you don't even need outside ALSA modules; the 2.6 series includes them integrated into the kernel, and 2.6.6 ought to have the latest version of those modules.

That said, I'd consider dropping back to 2.6.5... as you can see, I use Gentoo and not Libranet/Debian, but last night I checkec Portage (the Gentoo package repository) to see if there was a 2.6.6 kernel available for me. There were 4 listed (2.6.6, 2.6.6-rc1, -rc2, and -rc3).... but only one of them is marked as stable, and one of them was regressed from "stable" back to "unstable" with a note saying that it should have never been marked as stable in the first place (!!). So I'm sticking with 2.6.5-r1, which has given me no problems (nor did 2.6.3-r1, after the initial 2.6 series growing pains).

So the problem could be the kernel itself, rather than your manner of compilation-- or it could be that you keep making the same mistake in your .config that is preventing the kernel from compiling.

Atm, you have so many irons in the fire, it's hard to tell just what is going on.
Old 05-13-2004, 09:36 AM   #21
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Well I started a good ol' command line compile last night and so far it is going well. I am going to finish the make modules_install today. I got no errors last night. So if all goes well then perhaps Libranet Adminmenu needs to be updated for the 2.6 kernel. elluva, I have the NIC working... everything is working great in 2.4.26. I did not put in the right items in the kernel to begin with. Now, besides the strange firewall thing... never mind, I have the NIC going, I will get to Ooo later, and my printer is working. Most everything was due to the kernel not working right. I guess now it is just working with the kernel.
Old 05-17-2004, 10:36 AM   #22
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Hey, the 2.6.6 compile worked!! Although there is several things I am not sure of how to get to work... I will search for them. Well, now we know... you can use Adminmenu for 2.4, and command line for 2.6. Having a problem with the NIC again, PCMCIA slots, CD-R not working, and some games are not running... Not sure what option in kernel I did not give or if I needed to do a module instead of compile in with it.... not sure.
Any ideas on options for the 2.6 kernels... perhaps some links?
I am starting a search on Google.
Old 05-18-2004, 02:11 AM   #23
Registered: Aug 2003
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Originally posted by jaa1180
... Not sure what option in kernel I did not give or if I needed to do a module instead of compile in with it.... not sure.
This shouldn't be a problem, do as I've said before, search for the module names of your hardware and try loading it with modprobe...

Any ideas on options for the 2.6 kernels... perhaps some links?
I am starting a search on Google.
Options are specific to your hardware, if your pc isn't a known model from some known company, chances are small that you'll find a config on the net. The only way to succesfully compile a kernel is trying 'till it works . If the module for your NIC doesn't work, then you forgot to check it in the options.
Old 05-18-2004, 10:16 AM   #24
Registered: Oct 2003
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Ok. Do a modprobe. Okee dokee. Well, 2.4.26 works great... so no biggie for right now. Yea, I knew I forgot something... but it is like you say, hit and miss. No big deal...
Thanks everyone.
Hey elluva, do you like Mandy10? I have never been a big fan of Mandy but I have not seen 10.
Old 05-20-2004, 02:56 AM   #25
Registered: Aug 2003
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Well, I started out with Debian Woody, when it was still unstable, but it gave lot's of problems with my video card (GeForce 4 MX) and I didn't manage to get X working. I know this is typical for a noob, but I only had a telefone internet connection, so I never got to LQ. I persisted and tried to get RedHat 8.0 working, 'cause I had already installed RH 6.5 when I was still a little boy. This worked, but because of a lot of stupid problems which I didn't manage to solve, a friend recommended mandrake. As my third distro, I finally tried Mandy over somewhat more than a year ago. It worked perfect, but after a while I didn't liked it doing this much behind my back. Then I tried Slackware and when I managed to get Slack right the way I wanted, I tried Vector.
Now I installed Mdk 10 Community because I am getting tired of having to compile everything (a lot of the packages don't work on slack).
Some people love apt-get, well I like urpmi better . With all the things I've learn't with slackware, I'll try to get Mandy working the way I want. You don't learn much with mdk, but your well at easy and I don't always want to work an hour to get something to work. Mandrake just works and that is what I like about it. Sure I can accept that there are some Debian based distro's like Libranet and Xandros that are way easier to get to work than pure Debian, but still I don't feel like going back to Debian, I had my part...
Old 05-21-2004, 10:18 AM   #26
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Yea, I was running Fedora Core 1. I took off the boot screen and it worked fine for a good while. Same thing, I got tried of it doing things and me not being able to fix it. So, Libranet comes... I got a copy and I must say the install was very easy. I like it... have to relearn several things but that it what makes the world move. Learning. Is there any screenshots of Mandy 10?
Old 05-21-2004, 10:24 AM   #27
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Rep: Reputation: 46 has the stock screenies displaying the new features; doesn't look like anybody's submitted 10.0 screenshots to the screenshots page linked on the top of the Mandrake site.
Old 06-10-2004, 02:01 PM   #28
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Binary kernel images are available

Originally posted by jaa1180
mmm... I am trying to compile 2.6.3 and getting errors...
Now my eth0 is not working...
What is going on? Ok... breath... ok.. I will post the kernel errors as soon as I finish trying to compile 2.4.26. I hope it works. I set it back to the defaults then went in and removed everything I don't use or need.
I don't know if you have Debian unstable as a download as well as Woody or Sarge. But if you do, you can get the 2.4.26 kernel and the 2.6.6 kernel from the unstable binary images. I have a Libranet 2.0 base system which I've kept up to date for over two years now. It is a mix of testing and unstable, occasionally even experimental programs (provided they don't have too many dependencies that can't be resolved). Most of the libraries I now use are from the unstable binaries - but they are not at all unstable, they work fine. Recently I added both the 2.4.26 and the 2.6.6 kernels, and that's what I've been using.

The earlier 2.6 kernels seemed to be problematic, but somewhere around 2.6.5 things worked out. I know that 2.6.6 works fine on my system. I will say that the new 2.6 kernels are WAY faster (to the point that I've had to slow down my mouse acceleration, otherwise it's too fast for what I've become used to). Many of the early 2.6 kernels had disabled features and devices because certain device drivers associated with the 2.6 kernel were causing kernel panic conditions. Most of those problems are now in the past.
Old 06-14-2004, 09:50 AM   #29
Registered: Oct 2003
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Well, I fix the spelling in Openoffice. Now, 2.6.6 kernel will not load X right and several other problems. I know that it is options and I just need to configure them.. but no biggie. I am running 2.4.26 and it works fine.
Old 06-14-2004, 11:45 AM   #30
Registered: Aug 2003
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I didn't persist the first few times either, but you know what... everytime you try, you learn something extra and after a while you see that it wasn't that hard after all .


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