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Old 08-17-2004, 02:50 AM   #1
Joe Nayares
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: california
Distribution: PCLinux OS
Posts: 48

Rep: Reputation: 15
copy and paste in Mozilla

Both my wife and I use Mozilla 1.7 and just recently she noted a curious thing.
when I open an e-mail with picture either on the body or as an attachment, I can
hold the left mouse button and drag to select whatever, a picture, or section
of text, copy it to anything or paste anywhere. Well she lost that particular function and I am stumped.
Did a reinstall of Mozilla to a new folder with the same result; No copy for her
She uses Fedora core 2 and I mostly use libranet 2.8.1 any ideas?
Old 08-17-2004, 03:23 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Greenville, SC
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Re: copy and paste in Mozilla

Originally posted by Joe Nayares
Both my wife and I use Mozilla 1.7 and just recently she noted a curious thing.
when I open an e-mail with picture either on the body or as an attachment, I can
hold the left mouse button and drag to select whatever, a picture, or section
of text, copy it to anything or paste anywhere. Well she lost that particular function and I am stumped.
Did a reinstall of Mozilla to a new folder with the same result; No copy for her
She uses Fedora core 2 and I mostly use libranet 2.8.1 any ideas?

There are a variety of clicking options that enable you to have this functionality. I imagine you have a few Debian add on packages included with your copy of Mozilla that is on your Libranet system. Check the plugins and exact version that you are using.

As a worst case, what you could do is to completely remove Mozilla from that other system, then manually copy the .deb files corresponding to the setup that you are using to some separate location. Then run alien on them to convert them from .deb files to .rpm files. Then copy them to the other system and install them using yum, apt-get, or rpm. On my system, I have mozilla, mozilla-mailnews, mozilla-diggler, mozplugger, and a few other packages. Make sure you get them all, whatever you use on your system and bring them all over after converting them from .deb format to .rpm format.

Another workaround is to use Libranet 2.8.1, it can get the job done right!
Old 08-17-2004, 07:43 PM   #3
Joe Nayares
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: california
Distribution: PCLinux OS
Posts: 48

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Downloaded, opened mc pointed to the rpm, aznd ran upgrade; All is fine now.
Thank you very much.


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