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Old 05-28-2007, 04:11 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2007
Location: UK
Distribution: Grafpup
Posts: 28

Rep: Reputation: 15
Upgrading to Grafpup beta to 2.0rc1

Hi Nathan and all,

It's SimonW here from the murga-linux forums. There's already someone with my 'old' username here, so I've had to change....

Anyways, I have been using the Grafpup 2.0 beta for some time, and am about ready to upgrade to the 2.0rc1.

I know that Puppy can be upgraded by simply replacing the .sfs files on the boot media. Is it just the same for Grafpup?
I have modified a couple of system files, namely probedisk/probepart so how are they handled in an upgrade situation?

Old 05-28-2007, 10:44 AM   #2
Nathan F
Grafpup Developer
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Houston, TX
Distribution: Grafpup, Dyne::Bolic
Posts: 63

Rep: Reputation: 15
I know that Puppy can be upgraded by simply replacing the .sfs files on the boot media. Is it just the same for Grafpup?
Yes, that is the case. You just need to replace grafpu_005.sfs with graf_200.sfs, and also swap out initrd.gz.
I have modified a couple of system files, namely probedisk/probepart so how are they handled in an upgrade situation?
If the files exist on both the live cd and inside your save file, the script will check the timestamps to see which is newer. More than likely they will get purged, but you do get the chance to put them back because any purged files go into a folder in /tmp. In the case of probedisk and probepart they have both been upgraded to Dougal's latest versions anyway. I also upgraded the installer, too.

Sorry about your username being snatched up, but it's good to see you here now anyway.



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