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dickgregory 10-05-2007 08:42 AM

I voted "None" because you didn't include ROOT BEER.

I avoid alcohol consumption, partly because there has been so much alcoholism on my dad's side of my family. Since I have other habitual tendencies, I feel that the best way to avoid an addiction is to never get started with it.

PsypherPunk 10-05-2007 08:51 AM

Without doubt the Czech Republic has the finest beers on the planet. Though I'm particularly fond of most of the output from the Wychwood here in the UK.

Hitboxx 10-05-2007 12:28 PM

Depends on the mood,.. light, dark, brew but mostly light.

Jeebizz 10-05-2007 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by PsypherPunk
Without doubt the Czech Republic has the finest beers on the planet.
Correct! There tends to be beer drinkers out there that claim that Germany is "Beer Country", however Pilsner Beer made in Pilsen, in the Czech Rep. is widely recognized, even by the Germans as being beer capital of Europe, however obviously the history of beer stretches back centuries into ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt

rsashok 10-05-2007 02:11 PM

I have to admit American mainstream beers suck! The only reason they could sell this piss is smart advertising. But things are changing - microbrew finding its way into mainstream even without massive ad compains, and even big guys try to camouflage their 'selective' labels with microbrew look and feel. But my vote goes for Belgian stuff, it is hard to find it here in US, but it warrants trip to Brussels when the dollar become more sensible against euro (and for that Europeans have to drink more of American piss).

lord-fu 10-05-2007 03:39 PM


I have to admit American mainstream beers suck!
This is an opinion and not fact.

I am a full fledged redneck, I drink Natty Light, Budweiser etc, I love whiskey or scotch as well. A previous poster said they love some scotch and a cigar, me I prefer whiskey and chewing tobacco, to each his own :]

However my favorite over the last year believe it or not has been Corona, my wife introduced me to it. As of right now I am the solo person to choose Mexican as my choice in the polls.

I love threads like this :]

dafunks 10-05-2007 04:13 PM

Looking at my expanding waist line, it isn't hard to guess i am a man with a fondness of Guinness.

J.W. 10-06-2007 09:07 PM

Guinness (with a proper pour!) is the default choice. Sierra Nevada if the bar doesn't have Guinness. Pacifico with a lime wedge in hot weather (yes, I know the lime bit is sacrilege, but you have to admit it adds a bite)

coolb 10-07-2007 03:15 AM

I don't brink any kind of alchol

teabag_46 10-07-2007 03:41 AM

I don't usually drink during the week, because of work. At home I drink the occasional 'generic' lager that my wife likes, but when I go out, I tend to drink Guinness, and/or Yorkshire bitter from microbreweries. I occasionally visit family in Germany, and there, I usually drink Hannen Alt (dark, similar to English mild beer).
As to spirits, Vodka!

Disillusionist 10-07-2007 04:20 AM

I've been a Guinness man for many years now, however I sometimes choose Honey Dew in the Summer months, or Porter in the Winter (there is a Fuller's bar just opposite the office!)

Occasionally stray down the road for a pint of Old Speckled Hen or Bombardier.

crenclan 10-07-2007 04:43 AM

I drink mostly Bud,Also drink many others depending on the food or the mood.

Su-Shee 10-07-2007 04:47 AM

Einbecker Mai Urbock. ;)

German beer, only available from around the end of April until Mid-June.

Just to make it not that simple. ;)

pusrob 10-07-2007 05:03 AM

I chose European dark, because I like dark beers more. Must mention, that I drink any kind of alcohol very rarely, but when I drink, I choose something from these: Leffe, Radeberger, Belle Vue Kriek (cherry beer!), Wieselburger, Oberdorfer (wheat beer), Franziskaner and one more which I can't remember now.

celticgeek 10-07-2007 11:32 AM

Guinness, by choice, if I'm drinking beer.

Glenfidich or Laphroaig, if I'm drinking.

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