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Old 07-09-2004, 03:43 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: the other side of morning
Distribution: PCLOS, Fedora Core, Slackware and Mepis.
Posts: 54

Rep: Reputation: 15
Post your computer specs!

I searched but couldn't find a thread for this...I'd like to see what everyone is packin' under teh hood

Main Rig
AMD AthlonXP 2700+
Vantec Aeroflow
Asus A7N8X-X
1GB Corsair PC3200
FIC Radeon 128MB 9500 Pro
CLSB Live! Value
Onboard nVidia 10/100 nic
Maxtor Ultra 160GB w/8MB Cache
Western Digital 800JB 80GB 7200 rpm ATA/100 w/8MB Cache
Samsung 160GB 7200 RPM ATA/133
Promise Fastrack PCI ATA/100 Controller
Pioneer DVD-120 16x40 DVD-ROM
Lite-On 4x DVD-RW
3.5" Floppy
Chenbro Xpider Case w/Antec PP403x 400watt PSU
Logitech Z-340 2.1 speaker system.
Viewsonic A90f+ 19"
Windows XP Pro
Fedora Core 1

Test System
AMD Athlon T-bird @ 1GHz
Gigabyte 7ZXE (KT133A)
256MB PC-133
nVidia 32MB Geforce 2 GTS
Onboard Sound
3Com NIC
Western Digital 800JB 80GB 7200 rpm ATA/100 w/8MB Cache
MSI 52x32x52 CD-RW
3.5" Floppy
Enlight 7237 Case w/350watt PSU
Quintuple Boot:
Win2k Pro, Slackware, PC Linux OS, Fedora Core 2 and Mepis.
Old 07-09-2004, 03:48 PM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Feb 2003
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See my sig. That is 1/6th of my home network.
Old 07-09-2004, 03:53 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
Distribution: P.H.L.A.K.
Posts: 25

Rep: Reputation: 15
Intel 233 with 128 megs of ram
I like my computers like I like my women - slow enough to catch!
Old 07-09-2004, 03:55 PM   #4
Brother Michael
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 284

Rep: Reputation: 30
Currently I have two PC's.

Dell Dimension 4300 Video Workstation (Darkstar-Shrike):
Intel Pentium 4 w/ 1.5GHz
1024 Meg RAM
2x200GB Western Digital Caviar SE IDE Hard Drives 7200RPM
PNY nVidia GeForceFX 5200 W/ Dual VGA Monitor Heads and S-Video Out
Lite-On DVD-ROM (soon to be a DVD Burner)
CD-R/RW Burner
3.5" Floppy
Sound Blaster Live! 5.1
Harmon Kardon Speakers
2x17" Monitors
1x27" Panasonic TV (I sometimes take this thing downstairs )
10/100 LAN Adaptor
Windows XP Pro

HP Pavalion Server (Shrikeproductions):
500Mhz Intel Celeron Processor
256 Meg Ram
1x20gig Western Digital Caviar Hard Drive 7200RPM (need to upgrade that soon)
Integrated 11 Meg Video Card
10/100 LAN Adaptor
48x CD-ROM
Debian Linux "Sarge"
Old 07-09-2004, 04:26 PM   #5
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Tampa, Fl
Distribution: Gentoo, Slackware
Posts: 828

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Main Box
Name: technomancer
Motherboard: BIOSTAR M7VIK
Processor: AMD AthlonXP 2800+ 333MHz FSB
GPU: NVidia FX5600XL
NIC: Linksys Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 model NC100
RAM: 768MB PC2700 333MHz
Sound: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738
CD-RW: Lite-On 40x10x16
HDD: Maxtor 7200RPM 20Gig
Distro: Slackware-current

Name BP
Model: Compaq Proliant 5000
Motherboard: unknown
Processors: 4 200MHz PPros
RAM: 512MB
GPU: unknown
Sound: none
HDD: 5 4.8Gig SCSI-2 drives in hardware RAID 5
Distro: Trying to install Slackware 9.1


Last edited by Joey.Dale; 07-09-2004 at 04:27 PM.
Old 07-09-2004, 04:41 PM   #6
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Canada
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 479

Rep: Reputation: 30
It's in my sig. I need to upgrade badly because I like always having a good CPU speed. Sure 2.53 ghz is fast but 3.2 ghz is even better :

Hp Pavilion
2.53 Ghz
512 Ram
80 GB harddrive
ATI 9200 video card
Sound Blaster Audigy LS soundcard
Realtek NIC
Accoustic Authority 3.1 speakers
Optical mouse

I have 3 other computers

550 Mhz
64 Ram
10 GB HD
onboard video and sound and NIC

HP Pavilion
333 Mhz
128 Ram
Onboard video and sound
56 k modem
no NIC

and finally a custom one

100 Mhz
8 Ram
0.5 GB HD
Onboard video and sound
56 K modem

Last edited by cereal83; 07-09-2004 at 04:45 PM.
Old 07-09-2004, 06:34 PM   #7
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: So. Cal.
Distribution: Slack 11
Posts: 1,737

Rep: Reputation: 46
My main Linux system is in my sig.

For gaming ive got a 3 gig P4 with 512 megs of KHX, ATI radeon 9800XT, 80 gig WD hard drive, CL audigy gamer sound card and 500 watt PSU.

Ive got a music system I just built using slack, Its got 350mgz amd, 200 megs of ram and a 8 gig hd.

and Ive got a win 98 system, 1 gig amd athlon, 128 mb ram and a 30 gig hd.
Old 07-10-2004, 01:37 AM   #8
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: York, PA
Distribution: Custom build runs XP home
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
Fisrt of all...a little note for PC newbs who want to try to show off, PRE-BUILD COMPUTERS MANUFACTURED FROM ANY COMPANY WITH $H*T INCLUDED, SUCKS!...Build your PC, and you way better off

2nd tip, CASH = GOOD(1Meg L2 or bigger, that P4 stuff, hasent got it) just cause its 2.0 GHZ, doesn't mean it WILL own a 3.2 or up. Clock speed doesn't mean anything. (by the way FSBs are up to 1.6GHZ now) 4 DIMM slots, DDR400 3200+ @1 gig of corsair makes you computer the shizzle.

Last tip, pay for raptors, hear NOTHING, feel EVERYTHING...and im talking POWER BABY YEAH!.... more tips to come (dual processors = nothing, except $$ loss).
Old 07-10-2004, 01:47 PM   #9
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 58

Rep: Reputation: 15
Just follow the link in my sig.
Old 07-10-2004, 02:28 PM   #10
Brother Michael
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 284

Rep: Reputation: 30
Originally posted by Sparticus
Fisrt of all...a little note for PC newbs who want to try to show off, PRE-BUILD COMPUTERS MANUFACTURED FROM ANY COMPANY WITH $H*T INCLUDED, SUCKS!...Build your PC, and you way better off

2nd tip, CASH = GOOD(1Meg L2 or bigger, that P4 stuff, hasent got it) just cause its 2.0 GHZ, doesn't mean it WILL own a 3.2 or up. Clock speed doesn't mean anything. (by the way FSBs are up to 1.6GHZ now) 4 DIMM slots, DDR400 3200+ @1 gig of corsair makes you computer the shizzle.

Last tip, pay for raptors, hear NOTHING, feel EVERYTHING...and im talking POWER BABY YEAH!.... more tips to come (dual processors = nothing, except $$ loss).
Not all of us havce the complete technical know-how to build an entire computer from scratch. I have seen many of my friends do this, and they always seems to have problems with a CD-Burner, or processor getting too hot, or memory not working...and these were the ones that knew what they were doing.

As for me, it is a far safer route for me to buy a pre-built turnkey system then to try and build one myself. The slightest problem with a processor, or video card, or capture card, could cause hell for my movie. When you do a capture it puts a lot or information through the bus, and if there is a problem...I would risk losing frames or worse. I cannot simply worry about why my computer is not working when I have to produce a final product for a client.

Now if I was going into the gaming route, well then who cares if I miss a night of Quake 3 (or whatever the heck you kids play anymore...cant keep up ) to fix a computer error.

At any rate for me it is cheaper and far more profitable if I just buy a pre-built...the very most I would do is what I have done with my Dell, and upgrade the heck out of a machine, but that is because I am desperate and broke.

Old 07-10-2004, 07:04 PM   #11
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: York, PA
Distribution: Custom build runs XP home
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0

well, that was an interesting post. If you want a good system, i would recommend, and unless you work with CAD, (visual graphics program, minimum of 1 gig RAM, big programs for companies, use P4...more reliable in uncontrolled space...heated areas and such.) OTHERWISE you want AMD to do things quick, simple and cheap. No major company, like dell (which includes aol, those who don't know, aol is the worst ISP on the market, it provides you with spyware, (those of you who don't know, spyware = bad...some1 thought it was a cool thing.....NO!). but anyway.

Side note, Nice system macskeeball, Im unfirmilliar with MAC computers, but if you like the sweet-ass GUI and visual tools, nice system...

I have seen many of my friends do this, and they always seems to have problems with a CD-Burner, or processor getting too hot, or memory not working...and these were the ones that knew what they were doing.
Sigh.... CD-Burners...lets say cheap = shait, and about the noobs OVERCLOCKING....unless you have liquid cooling (im scared if leaks, lol) don't touch it. and for the memory not working...where the hell do you shop. black market? , walmart?, come on. You CAN"T be serious...your noob friends need this book, Its called Noobs, Newbs, Nubs, and Nuebs, how to's for you. P.S. not real book....

2nd, how old are your friends....i build some 10 computers, for me and other preople...IM 16 YEARS OLD! (and its Counter-Strike, not Quake, Quake is some gay shtuff, not 1337 Woot, Kickass gameplay

---------------------Sorry to Linux Fans ----------------------
My main system is XP 2002 SP1,
P4 2.66 533FSB 256cache.(not by choise, savin for AMD 3200+)
200gig HD, 17" mon, 2 CD-Roms (1 DVD), 2 Floppy, 9 usb, creative audigy2NX, sony 5.1 HT, cable modem (2 meg dl)Linksys Router( not sharing internet with neighbors) Wireless mouse, Media Keyboard, Nvidia FX7500, 512 DDR333, modded boot screem login screen, themes, toolbar, smartbars, UPS System (whenever my mom irons...i lose power...LOL.)
other systems, 1.7ghz AMD, and a P3 850 with Mandrak 10 on it...good for aim while im ingame...Pictures to come...and you can't forget, the #1 need for every gamers ass, a leather exeuctive chair. :P (massaaaaaaaaaaaaaage)

Last edited by Sparticus; 07-10-2004 at 07:06 PM.
Old 07-10-2004, 07:26 PM   #12
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Wisconsin
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 188

Rep: Reputation: 30
350mhz PII
192mb ram
4.1GB scsi harddrive
OS: Windows XP & Slackware-Current
Purpose: Proxy, Web Server, Router, Fileserver

400mhz Celeron
192mb ram
30GB harddrive
GeForce FX5200 128mb
OS: Windows XP & Slackware-Current
Purpose: Desktop, Fileserver

50mhz 486dx
3.7mb ram
200mb harddrive
OS: Slackware-Current (I'm serious) - soon to be what I call TinySlackware
Purpose: Mobile computing

300mhz AMD K6-2
32mb ram
500mb harddrive
ATI 3D Rage Pro 32mb
OS: Slackware-Current
Purpose: MP3 Player, Mail Server, IRC Server

unknown 386
8mb ram
200mb harddrive
OS: tomsrtbt (soon to be TinySlackware)
Purpose: unestablished

An ugly 486
6mb ram
300mb & 200mb drives
OS: tomsrtbt (soon to be NetBSD)
Purpose: unestablished

These change about once a week, as I'm constantly tinkering with them. Before anyone asks what tiny slackware is: Its a modified version of slackware that I'm building for my older computers. Sorry to cause a mix-up if the name's been used before.
Old 07-10-2004, 07:44 PM   #13
The Bad Penny
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Distribution: Slackware 10
Posts: 78

Rep: Reputation: 15
Im impressed 10 custom builds,,,, WOW!!

That only puts you 6 behind my 10 year old, but he dont badmouth other peoples choice in computers or games,

Speaking for me, I use a branded laptop and like many posters here I have built so many systems that I dont keep count, but let me put it this way

10 systems, that would be 1 or 2 days work, (not including burn in time)
3 words m8, help, guide & encourage.... dont criticise its not how did you put it "not 1337"

Remember this, not everybody has the same taste or ideas as you!

@ diablo111 & The Mods
I must apologise for going off topic but that tirade of abuse above offended me.

Once again, my apologies for going off topic.

Here are my machines..

My Laptop
P4 2.8ghz
52mb ddr
40gb hdd
Wireless NIC
Slackware 10 & XP pro (sp1)

Kids Rig (Yep one of those my kid built)
AMD 1.9ghz
512mb ddr
40gb hdd @ ata 100, 7200rpm
10/100 NIC
MEPIS Linux 2004 beta 5 & XP pro (sp1)

File Server & MP3 store
AMD 1.7ghz
512mb PC133 SDram
2x 40gb hdd's 40gb hdd @ ata 100, 7200rpm
10/100 NIC
Microsoft Small Business server 4.5

Test Bed & Toy Dell Dimension XPS D233
P2 233mhz
512mb PC100 SDram
10gb hdd ata 33
10/100 NIC
Changes frequently, DOS 6.22 & win 3.11, win 95, 98 NT4 various linux distros

These are only the machines which are powered up at the moment and are connected to my ADSL router, there are another 3 including an
old 1990 IBM PS/1 2021 running IBM dos 4 & Works 2, which are still working but are really just infrequent playthings.

Last edited by The Bad Penny; 07-10-2004 at 08:13 PM.
Old 07-10-2004, 08:29 PM   #14
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 58

Rep: Reputation: 15
Re: Sigh....

Originally posted by Sparticus
Side note: Nice system, macskeeball. I'm unfamiliar with MAC computers, but if you like the sweet-ass GUI and visual tools it's a nice system...
Just FYI, it is Mac not MAC. MAC is a networking term that does not refer to the Macintosh. Also, I have two systems, not one. Both are Macs, one a tower and the other a laptop. I like the fact that Mac OS X is beautiful (IMO), easy-to-use, and runs more than just commercial/freeware/shareware apps because it has UNIX under the hood.

Last edited by macskeeball; 07-10-2004 at 08:35 PM.
Old 07-10-2004, 08:30 PM   #15
Brother Michael
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 284

Rep: Reputation: 30
Re: Sigh....

Originally posted by Sparticus
well, that was an interesting post. If you want a good system, i would recommend, and unless you work with CAD, (visual graphics program, minimum of 1 gig RAM, big programs for companies, use P4...more reliable in uncontrolled space...heated areas and such.) OTHERWISE you want AMD to do things quick, simple and cheap. No major company, like dell (which includes aol, those who don't know, aol is the worst ISP on the market, it provides you with spyware, (those of you who don't know, spyware = bad...some1 thought it was a cool thing.....NO!). but anyway.

Side note, Nice system macskeeball, Im unfirmilliar with MAC computers, but if you like the sweet-ass GUI and visual tools, nice system...

Sigh.... CD-Burners...lets say cheap = shait, and about the noobs OVERCLOCKING....unless you have liquid cooling (im scared if leaks, lol) don't touch it. and for the memory not working...where the hell do you shop. black market? , walmart?, come on. You CAN"T be serious...your noob friends need this book, Its called Noobs, Newbs, Nubs, and Nuebs, how to's for you. P.S. not real book....

2nd, how old are your friends....i build some 10 computers, for me and other preople...IM 16 YEARS OLD! (and its Counter-Strike, not Quake, Quake is some gay shtuff, not 1337 Woot, Kickass gameplay

---------------------Sorry to Linux Fans ----------------------
My main system is XP 2002 SP1,
P4 2.66 533FSB 256cache.(not by choise, savin for AMD 3200+)
200gig HD, 17" mon, 2 CD-Roms (1 DVD), 2 Floppy, 9 usb, creative audigy2NX, sony 5.1 HT, cable modem (2 meg dl)Linksys Router( not sharing internet with neighbors) Wireless mouse, Media Keyboard, Nvidia FX7500, 512 DDR333, modded boot screem login screen, themes, toolbar, smartbars, UPS System (whenever my mom irons...i lose power...LOL.)
other systems, 1.7ghz AMD, and a P3 850 with Mandrak 10 on it...good for aim while im ingame...Pictures to come...and you can't forget, the #1 need for every gamers ass, a leather exeuctive chair. :P (massaaaaaaaaaaaaaage)
Sparticus: What is your deal? I made a simple counter-statement to your hostile remarks about purchasing a pre-built computer. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The same things can be said about people and cars. Some people like to go out and spend $30,000+ on a sports car while others like to go out and buy a cheap used car, tear it apart and rebuild it and make it faster than it was before. This is called preference and choice.

I prefer to buy a either a new computer, or a newer used computer and upgrade it. I know that if I buy froma computer manufacturer that generally most of the parts will be working fine with each other and that I will not have too many hardware conflictions.

As for your age it is obvious that you are sixteen by your very childish posts. This is a forum for discussing issues about Linux (and in the case of this particular section, anything else), not flame-baiting other members.

As for me I am twenty. The majority of my friends are nineteen and twenty. We have jobs and college to balance around in our schedules, thus sometimes computers have to take a back-seat (unless of course they are not working at all). I do not have the luxery of spending all day working on my computer. Perhaps you do, perhaps you don't. Point is this, I have a computer works just fine for me and what I do. You have a computer, and it works for what you want it to do, please do not insult others for their opinions on where they purchase their machines and how they come purchased (ie. In one big box or twenty small boxes).

You obviously have a lot of working knowledge about computers, please try to use it to help others on this forum instead of tearing them down.

As for your reference about major companies not carrying AMD's, are you trying to tell me that my parents HP Pavalion's AMD 3000 processor is actually an Intel in disguise! *GASP*


Last edited by Brother Michael; 07-10-2004 at 08:34 PM.


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