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Old 09-20-2004, 04:59 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2002
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Please complain to the BBC

They constantly write articles like these, which infer to the general public that Windows is the only choice of OS available to them. I'm getting really annoyed at this - it's a site many people go to for reference. It's funded by UK tax payers - I hate the thought of me paying for a state run Microsoft information/marketing tool.

I've complained on many occasions, getting stock responses.
I particularly like the picture caption 'older machines' - they mean older windows versions. There will be people who buy Win XP on the basis of articles like this. From the article - "Getting those people to upgrade and improve their security is going to make the difference"
Why no mention of other OS's such as Suse or RedHat? Why not suggest alternatives?

Sorry if this is a rant, but they come out with these articles at least once a week.


Last edited by davee; 09-20-2004 at 05:02 AM.
Old 09-20-2004, 05:20 AM   #2
Bruce Hill
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So move to America - a lot of other people who disliked the UK did...
Old 09-20-2004, 06:16 AM   #3
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So move to America - a lot of other people who disliked the UK did...
score 5: funny !

In england we never even hrearn the world Linux.... and you know why ?
in my opinion, its because UK laws on advertiseing have deemed every MS advert that mentions Linux to be "missleading"....

no anti linux MS adverts..... so we never ear of it (except once... one night on channel 5 (crap channel) the IBM Linux advert with the prodigy child was on... but only once !

i think if MS's anti linux ads were allowed, people would start asking... so.. whats linux.. why is ms so thrreatened by it there launching a massive ad campain.... get onto the tinternet, maybe find pages like this, and well.... u'know the rest.

MS accidently did themselves a favor.
Old 09-20-2004, 07:04 AM   #4
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Originally posted by Chinaman
So move to America - a lot of other people who disliked the UK did...
I don't dislike the UK, or I would move. I dislike the London biased media, especially the publically funded BBC, writing advertisments for Microsoft.

Today's article is titled "Net security threats growing fast" - which will turn peaple away from the internet, not windows. It does not mention that the problems with security focus centrally in Redmond. The message is "Buy a new versoin of windows", not "There are alternatives to this pants OS that causes so much trouble"


Last edited by davee; 09-20-2004 at 07:11 AM.
Old 09-20-2004, 07:10 AM   #5
Bruce Hill
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Originally posted by davee
I don't dislike the UK, or I would move. I dislike the London biased media, especially the publically funded BBC, writing advertisments for Microsoft.

Well, there's not much you can do but complain - or pray!

Bill Gates' goal with Mirco$loth is world domination. He's close,
at least in the computer industry. The other thing you can do
is what I do - help as many people as possible migrate from
Micro$loth Windoze to Linux! If they only knew...

Problem is that so many don't want to engage their brains,
which Bill Gates understood a long time ago. That's what he's
counting, click, click...
Old 09-20-2004, 08:53 AM   #6
Registered: Aug 2004
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Well what can you expect from a broadcasting company producing "Eastenders".

Dreary/suicide inducing stuff, so they like MS - riddle solved

That's the Broadcasting company who puts on now and then a couple of token ethnics . Hell they will care about a minority OS.

Ok, i write but who is gonna listen in racist Britain to a German without a ME109

Maybe if we mention the Scottish curling Team Olymic winners, Johnny Wilkinson and ENGLAND ENGLAND where the footie is coming home.

Lance an anonymous letter to the Sun that Beckhams Euro Cup penalty disaster was caused by a MS bug. Then you might have a slight chance.

Last edited by DrNeil; 09-20-2004 at 09:01 AM.
Old 09-20-2004, 09:15 AM   #7
Registered: Nov 2003
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Then throw away your television (or anything that receives a TV signal) and stop paying the license fee. Problem solved - voting with your wallet and your lifestyle. You will then have lots more time to play with Linux, etc.

Personally, I think the BBC is great - especially CBeebies, well worth the £150 (or whatever it is) to keep my kids occupied for half and hour a day (that's all they're allowed - don't want them to be telly adicts like the rest of the nation).
Old 09-20-2004, 09:26 AM   #8
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I must admit, whilst I was still Dozing, I didn't really take much notice of whether the BBC mentioned Linux or not.
Now I've changed over, I notice it all the time, and the BBC aren't the only ones.
I live in London and I hate the 'London biased' media as much as everyone else.
Old 09-20-2004, 09:26 AM   #9
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I like BBC 24

Anyway, since we are talking BBC here, do you think ITV/STV Channel 4 and 5 are so different in the Linux stakes? Many journalists use Macs anyway, therefore are more interested in looks than functionality.

Given the computer penetration is quite high I wonder anyhow, why computers feature mostly not.

There could be a whole program range on offer. OS Doctor, OS Force with Charlie Dimmocks tats , ready steady compile, OS invaders

Now that's what we really need.

Crappy MS OS lets get Smiley in and change it, two days two distributions.
Old 09-20-2004, 01:46 PM   #10
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>> There could be a whole program range on offer. OS Doctor, OS Force with Charlie Dimmocks tats , ready steady compile, OS invaders <<

Old 09-20-2004, 01:56 PM   #11
Registered: Jul 2003
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I like the beeb myself but more linux articles would be nice. But then again its their job to represent the general population and most of the general population uses windows. But here is a linux article on the bbc that is positive.

Old 09-20-2004, 04:35 PM   #12
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Re: click online

I have BBC world, as I don't live in the UK. It's great, much better than CNN.

Before they hijaked all the coverage 24/7 with news about the Iraq war, clickonline promised some linux stories. now I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything... but.... ( )

did you folks in the UK get any? If not, where are they??? HEY.
*shakes fist*

Old 09-20-2004, 05:03 PM   #13
Registered: Mar 2004
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i read the first article and i must say that you cannot blame bbc if Nigel Beighton, a member of Symantec's Threat Team, doesn“t share your opinion about linux. this time the article reflected his opinions instead of the opinions of bbc. which, after all, is a good thing (as a good media tries to be unbiased and tell the stories correctly).
Old 09-20-2004, 06:15 PM   #14
Registered: Mar 2004
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I would happily move to america if i thought it was any better than the UK. The two are the same and I will not live spend my elder years in either. Just use the UK to make money, then move from the crap monachy state.
Old 09-21-2004, 01:47 AM   #15
Registered: Oct 2002
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Originally posted by DrNeil
I like BBC 24

Anyway, since we are talking BBC here, do you think ITV/STV Channel 4 and 5 are so different in the Linux stakes? Many journalists use Macs anyway, therefore are more interested in looks than functionality.
There is one major difference between the BBC and commercial channels. The BBC is publically funded, and therefore respected as such around the world. In return, they should provide an unbiased view, especially on issues of science and technology. How can I trust them on issues I have know knowledge of, when they provide one-sided coverage on stories such as these? My original point was, that Joe Public would read these articles, get scared, and throw more money at Microsoft for the latest release of windows thinking that was his only option.

Originally posted by mdbarton
Then throw away your television (or anything that receives a TV signal) and stop paying the license fee. Problem solved - voting with your wallet and your lifestyle. You will then have lots more time to play with Linux, etc.
I have nothing against the BBC on the majority of their output. I think the do tremendously well with their budget (especially Scottish football on the radio ;-) ). I still think they should be held account to by us when they could do better. It would not kill them to add a simple paragraph to these articles advising readers that there are other operating systems available for free, that are more secure and robust, for their current hardware. It then becomes up to the reader to look at the options - the BBC has carried out it's role 'to inform'.


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