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View Poll Results: Do you smoke?
Yes 45 23.32%
No 111 57.51%
Yes (not much tho) 31 16.06%
No Sir, Im all Nyquill 6 3.11%
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Old 09-08-2003, 03:18 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2002
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serious question now and this is a private forum so it should be safe to ask.

how many of you smoke?

Disaster recovery is definitely looked at a lot differently.
Old 09-08-2003, 03:36 AM   #2
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I was in amsterdam this summer, man, that's a ve-e-e-ry nice place...

get up, stand up....
stand up for your rights...
get up, stand up...
don't give up the fight
Old 09-08-2003, 04:35 AM   #3
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Nope, I don't smoke at all. Although I life in the Netherlands with Amsterdam right around the corner.
I personally think we are way to tolerant to drugs. Ganja is a drug and it should be baned.
Old 09-08-2003, 07:08 AM   #4
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i used to a little bit but dont anymore.

this is something i feel quite strongly about, i think people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they dont hurt anyone else, in my opinion alcohol is a much worse drug than cannabis, if i was walking home late at night i would much rather see a stoned person than a drunk person because whats the stoned person gonna do to me? there not gonna attack me like a drunk person would.

there was a thread about cannabis a few weeks back granted it was quite a stupid one but i have seen worse(*remembers thread about sk8guitars new pants*) but it was closed for some unknown reason, yet there have been many threads about alcohol and probably caffiene(sp?) that were not closed. if the mods close this thread i would really like to know why as in my opinion there is nothing wrong with it.
Old 09-08-2003, 07:15 AM   #5
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Re: marijuana

Originally posted by bkeating
serious question now and this is a private forum so it should be safe to ask.
Private forum? Seems very public to me...

Old 09-08-2003, 07:52 AM   #6
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Never tried it........never will.
Old 09-08-2003, 08:16 AM   #7
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Originally posted by schatoor
Ganja is a drug and it should be baned.
So are alcohol and nicotine, but you don't see governments waging wars on beer and fags. You don't see government forces burning vineyards, or raiding breweries. Alcohol and cigarettes kill way more people than drugs. I say they should be banned too. In a democratic world, you can't go around banning everything that might be harmful to the public, you have to allow self-determination for the masses.
Old 09-08-2003, 08:34 AM   #8
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I agree with flapjackboy. We should be responsible of our acts, not the governement. Yet it shouldn't be sold to kids younger than 15 or something at least. That's nasty!

Moreover, how is it possible not to smoke and listen to reggae at the same time, what do you say aizkorri

Preacherman don'T tell me,
heaven is under the earth,
I know you don'T know
what life is really worth
it s not all that glitter is gold
alf the story 'as never been told!!
so now you see the light...
you gonna stand up for your right!!
Old 09-08-2003, 09:03 AM   #9
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grow your own,
Old 09-08-2003, 09:22 AM   #10
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and this is a private forum so it should be safe to ask
/General isn't a private forum by any std's I know of, and posing it as a "serious" question doesn't exempt it from getting ripped anyway.

I personally think we are way to tolerant to drugs. Ganja is a drug and it should be baned.
Yes, and nicotine, and caffeine, and alcohol and any public signs of religious or political expression, and the general notion we could have a "Clean, Green Earth" and, of course, "World Peace"...
The effect of suppression just makes anyone looking for a fix go underground. This makes tracking, prevention etc etc harder and in the end only fills dealers pockets cuz prices will rise. And isn't it true banning only makes for a bigger kick?..

this is something i feel quite strongly about, i think people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they dont hurt anyone else / In a democratic world, you can't go around banning everything that might be harmful to the public, you have to allow self-determination for the masses.
Well, this is something I do feel strongly about as well. The phrase "people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they dont hurt anyone else" is a hollow one and totally void of meaning.
It is only used to by those who are ignorant of the facts and by those who need to justify lack of responsability, misbehaviour and abuse as if it is an unseparable right or part of one's "individual expression". Yes, you can retort it's not my business and you know your limits anyway, but the problem is many don't know their limits and many don't want to behave responsably anyway.

AFAIK all substance abuse influences and deteriorates the mind and body, and the effects are more grave when part of a unhealthy lifestyle or can very suddenly appear like in cases where people have a latent deficiency. Compare it with scanning random ppl with a strobe light to see who's got epilepsy. Substance acceptance also is influenced by variables not under your control be it internal (for instance mood) or external (for instance peer pressure). Anyone who has used drugs will testify that under influence perception can change considerably, and any perception of selfcontrol does not reflect the actual state. That's what I mean "as long as they dont hurt anyone else" doesn't mean shit.

In other words, if ppl can't (be arsed to) respect and control themselves, then I expect them to be a hazard to/in the presence of others. If you are going to base your view on drugs on the fact you think sloshed ppl will attack you and druggies won't without knowing the deeper effects of drugs, then I can tell you from experience it's an understandable but erroneous opinion.

Wrt closing that thread and looking at what LQ benefits from having/allowing drug related threads: I don't see any. I personally do question if tolerating, promoting or even glorifying drugs usage is appropriate content for a site that caters to a wide audience with a guesstimated lower limit of like 11 yrs.
Old 09-08-2003, 09:29 AM   #11
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Originally posted by graffitici

Moreover, how is it possible not to smoke and listen to reggae at the same time, what do you say aizkorri

no way... .
Old 09-08-2003, 10:06 AM   #12
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Yes, and nicotine, and caffeine, and alcohol and any public signs of religious or political expression, and the general notion we could have a "Clean, Green Earth" and, of course, "World Peace"...
The effect of suppression just makes anyone looking for a fix go underground. This makes tracking, prevention etc etc harder and in the end only fills dealers pockets cuz prices will rise. And isn't it true banning only makes for a bigger kick?..
The question is, where do you put limits. You could could use the same arguments to legalize heroine, cocaine etc. And you know, just a few day's ago I read somewhere some politicians proposed legalizing xtc. Can you imagine that!
By saying "we might as well legalize it because people will go underground to get the stuff", you are, in my opinion letting the criminals win.
As for alcohol and tobacco, they are the worst enemy a person has. I would advice you people to stay away from these things.
Old 09-08-2003, 10:59 AM   #13
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Originally posted by schatoor

By saying "we might as well legalize it because people will go underground to get the stuff", you are, in my opinion letting the criminals win.
Certainly not. If it's legalised then the government can control it far easier than they do now. Having a legal product would cut crime because the criminals would not have a market for their product. The government could generate tax revenue and use it to help people who end up addicted to harder drugs. The police would have much needed resources freed up to tackle other crimes. In fact, other crime categories would see a reduction too, with legal, tightly controlled safer products produced by companies licensed by the government. You would not have to go to some dodgy dealer to get your cannabis, you would be able to get them next to the cancer sticks.

If you remember, several states in the US tried prohibition for alcohol and that failed miserably. To properly win a "war on drugs" we need to take control away from the criminals. The only way to do that is by legalisation.
Old 09-08-2003, 11:01 AM   #14
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I plead the 5th but I really don't feel a thread like this is necessary on an open forum. Regards.
Old 09-08-2003, 12:19 PM   #15
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Militant anti smoker here. I saw way too many GI's die as a result of being stoned. And some I considered friends.



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