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Old 08-02-2003, 10:49 PM   #1
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Just curious?

I am a former Windoze user, well i still use it for gamimg cuz i have to, anyway, I am just wondering,
What exactly is an illegal program operation?
What exactly causes the Blue Screen of Death?
and why cant microsoft stop the BSOD?
Old 08-02-2003, 10:53 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Osaka, Japan
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They occur to make you call for support. So they can tell you to do Ctrl + Alt + Del....
Old 08-02-2003, 10:58 PM   #3
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Y'know, I really don't know. Mostly I think it's a cover for memory address errors - Windows just can't seem to manage its 'brains' or lack thereof. But 'illegal operation' has to cover dozens of errors because that's what it almost always says.

I haven't seen a BSOD since Win98 - I think that's usually caused by running out of memory. In NT everything just freezes instead of giving you a BSOD and suddenly everyone thinks NT is more stable because it crashes *differently*.

They can't stop it because they don't need to. 95% of computer users (or whatever it is) use Windows no matter how it crashes or how insecure it is. No incentive or payoff to invest time and effort into fixing it.

My three guesses.
Old 08-03-2003, 12:36 AM   #4
Registered: Jul 2003
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I think a lot of it has to do with the drive of the programmers. Sure, they'd love to have perfect code, but anyone who's programmed so much as hello_world source knows how hard that can be. The fact that most people don't work for MS to stay, but as a step towards working for other companies, and time/feature pressures, and you have a recipe for all the problems you've asked about. I'd guess that there are an embarrassingly large amount RAD/features programmers at MS compared to MS programmers with a solid understanding of the OS and the underlying hardware.

I also agree that there was very little incentive, at least until Linux showed up, to fix problems. This seems apparent from MS's sudden drive to hire back some of the people they let leave in the past. If the OS just worked, MCSE's would have to be a more skilled than some of the one's I've seen. Support would have to be at a level to make it attractive (remember, if the OS wasn't a problem, companies wouldn't be so worried about that support contract, especially smaller they are simply conditioned to need one, regardless of the quality of the software), upgrades would be deemed less important, and so on.

In short, MS's whole business structure would collapse around them. Not that anyone should feel too bad about that. After all, they're the ones that built a $40 billion dollars in cash company on it. As for the support personell, and those "poor" MCSE's that might lose their jobs? Well, most of them only bother to learn as little as they absolutely have to. I don't feel all that bad if they find themselves back at McDonalds.

Of course, I'm the cynical type.


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