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Old 02-25-2002, 03:42 PM   #1
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IE max connections

Does anybody know how to get internet explorer to be able to connect to a remote site with more than 2 simultaneous connections?

*running xp pro.
Old 02-25-2002, 04:04 PM   #2
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In all honesty, IE should allow you near unlimted conenctions unless you are eating resources.

I have personally had 9 downloads going at one time using IE without an issue, except it was getting slower and slower with each new connection.
Old 02-25-2002, 09:17 PM   #3
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Who cares
Old 02-26-2002, 01:14 PM   #4
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Aw, come on Aus, it is the General forum, afterall. Who knows, if we try hard, we might be able to get it onto something completely off-topic, like most of the General forum threads have a habit of doing.

It is bloody annoying, though. Depending on how many users are on the internet at any given time here (at uni), I can have between 4 and I think the most I had was 26 downloads going at once in IE. Of course, it then crashed! Have you considered using Nutscrape?
Old 02-26-2002, 02:37 PM   #5
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Why not use something good?
Opera always works great for me.

Old 02-26-2002, 03:28 PM   #6
LQ Guru
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Originally posted by Casper

Why not use something good?
Opera always works great for me.



I read the New York Times every morning in Lynx! The jpgs and the bad formatting of every page on the web these days makes it damn near illegible, but I'm hardcore damnit!

Is that off topic enough for you Thymox?


Old 02-27-2002, 01:47 AM   #7
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hey... opera has the best download manager. other web browsers could learn a lot from opera.

besides... reading the new york times every morning is the psychological equivalent of wake-and-bake. you seem like someone who needs a good libertarian influence in thier life.
Old 02-27-2002, 10:49 AM   #8
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I read the New York Times every morning in Lynx!
If you can find me a version of Lynx that works under Windows (as that's what the original post was about), I'll have a go! Personally, I prefer Links for textmode webpage viewing under Linux.
Old 02-27-2002, 12:11 PM   #9
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Originally posted by isajera

besides... reading the new york times every morning is the psychological equivalent of wake-and-bake. you seem like someone who needs a good libertarian influence in thier life.
You might have a point there, but I got flack for reading every morning, so I have to wait until my boss leaves in order to get my IT news.

Actually, the semi-white-middle-class-socialist-guilt-rag that the Times has turned into over the past few decades has even started making me write with my left hand.

I've already got a Libertarian influence, and he lives in the adjoining apartment. Luckily he only gets saucy political when he's had to much to drink, so largely when he stops by we hide the whiskey. I like a little governemental control, they keep the mealworms out of my coffee beans.


Comrade Finegan

Last edited by finegan; 02-27-2002 at 12:12 PM.
Old 02-27-2002, 02:30 PM   #10
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You know Finegan, Opera is a really good browser. I use it in Linux, Winblows, BeOS, and QNX, and it does not go out on me near as often as IE or Nutscape.

And while I dont like Lynx (I like eyecandy), I understand that point you have about everything getting hard to read. People are using like to many graphics. Not good. Not good at all.
Old 02-27-2002, 02:46 PM   #11
LQ Guru
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I know, I know Opera is a good browser... I have it on every single Linux/Windows/BSD boxen in my house (eleven), have converted 4 others to Operatics, and I hope to get it working on Solaris shortly...

Thymox just asked for a change of subject, so I gave it to him! Subtle, subtle, hammer, hammer!

I need more coffee...


Old 02-27-2002, 02:55 PM   #12
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Wait a minute, Opera is availble for the BSD flavors? i jsut chaecked their site and I did not see that. Can you let me know how you got that working?

Also... ELEVEN BOXES! What in the world do you have so many comps for? Just curious
Old 02-27-2002, 03:02 PM   #13
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Originally posted by shadowhacker
Wait a minute, Opera is availble for the BSD flavors? i jsut chaecked their site and I did not see that. Can you let me know how you got that working?
FreeBSD, Linux binary emulation... Opera just thinks its running on Linux. I only got 5 to work, 6 crapped out, but this was on FreeBSD4.4.

Originally posted by shadowhacker

Also... ELEVEN BOXES! What in the world do you have so many comps for? Just curious
Good question... I was leant 4 laptops a few months ago for neurotic boredom purposes, added on top of the others it made eleven, the Sparc should get here next week bringing it back up to 11 since the guy I was borrowing the laptops from sold one out from under me.

Gomer (p1 100) serves Nethack games and runs SETI.
Wurlitzer (dual Ppro 180) house mp3 server sort of.
Jack/Tyler/Marla/Bob/Spacemonkey (athy 1.2) my main crate.
Tenacious (P1 200) LFS toy, BSD toy, and boots into Slack as the communal coffee table box.
Venus (P1 133 Laptop) routes wireless traffic to neighbor's apartment. I'm sponging an internet connection.
Nimble (P3 500 Laptop) My StinkPad!
Ruprecht (AMD K6-3 450?) Roommate's retarded compaq winbox
Jupiter (P1 75 Laptop) Sits and collects dust...
Che (P1 166) LFS toy 3, target of derision, getting it into shape for a poor friend.

Hmmm... guess I'm down to 9, that is before the yet to be named Sparc arrives...

Also, in other people's houses:

Horatio (Ppro 200) server

Earth (P1 133 Laptop) The other side of the wireless connection.

Believe it or not, the only things I really had to pay for on a commodity price were the P3 laptop and the Athy, most of the rest either just lives here for no aparent reason, got dumped on me, or is technically borrowed. There's also enough parts for at least 2 more in my closet with an outlay of $10-20 for final bits.



Last edited by finegan; 02-27-2002 at 03:18 PM.
Old 02-27-2002, 03:23 PM   #14
LQ Addict
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For a while I never actaully named my computer. thought it was kinda wierd.

But lately I have been a little bit more possesive, so I gave it a name; Arwen, the name of that girl elf from LOTR.
Old 02-27-2002, 03:35 PM   #15
LQ Guru
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Yeah... the naming thing only caught on when I first sat down to install RedHat 7.0, the buggy one. Okay... one of the buggier ones. Something about being presented with:


After that erupted a furious debate between my friends and I over whether you could re-name a box for a house LAN theme or whether it was christened for good until you had to beat out the flames on the motherboard. I opted for the later, hence the heterogeniality of that mess above. Naming Che was the first group effort... frigin Bolivian revolutionaries... The laptops originally numbered nine, so the first thought was to name them after the ring wraiths until we poked through to books long enough to realize they didn't get original names.




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