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orange400 05-08-2003 01:49 AM

I blew up my BBQ with WD-40 today!
I felt like being pyro today so I decided to blow up my BBQ!!! I turned it onto maximum gas with the lid closed and left it there for about 20 seconds letting the gas build up, then when it started to leak out the vents, I shot a blast of WD-40 flamethower at it and BOOOOM!! A huge burst of flames raged out and popped the lid open. And it sizzled the hair off my arms too. AWE-SUM!!! I gotta do that again, it was halarious ...

And I also flipped the go-kart w/o a rollcage or helmet today taking a sharp turn but only scabbed my left knee a little PHEW I'm not going w/o a helmet again. But screw that rollcage, it only makes you roll over.

Damn I had fun today!!

Q*Bert 05-08-2003 05:17 AM

Here's another good one.

1. A can of butane gas (used for refilling cigarette lighters)
2. Washing up liquid
3. A bucket
4. Water
5. A lighter

If you can't work out what to do, then well, put the water, w/u liquid in the bucket and press the butane can into the bottom of the bucket to make lots of bubbles. Ignite.

Small bubbles = plastic bucket melts
Big bubbles = singed eyebrows

Have fun!

finegan 05-08-2003 05:25 AM

One of the stupedest things Finegan has done with fire:

"Hey Fin, the tiki torches are empty and we're out of citronella."

"Uhhh... well, the mosquitoes are going to be hell tonight, what else do we have for fuel? Diesel? Kero?"

"Hmm... there's some white gas!"

"Alright, let's try that!"

The wick of the torch achieved apogee of its trajectory in about .14 seconds and returned from its brief but very high flight, hurtling to the earth at well above critical velocity, driving a 1 inch deep hole into the ground and splattering flame for about 4 feet around the impact crater in a neat burning circle.

"Wow, that was neat, got anymore white gas?"



fishsponge 05-08-2003 07:06 AM

here's a great one if you can get it right... the james bond exploding pen!!

1. um... actually, no... i've edited this post, as it did seem a little inappropriate after the reply from trickykid...

trickykid 05-08-2003 08:28 AM

It would be wise for anyone to not share how to make anything explosive as this is totally unappropiate for an online forum. Sharing a story that has happened to you is something would be somewhat ok, how to do it and make it is not ok.

fishsponge 05-08-2003 08:51 AM

good point..... oops

trickykid 05-08-2003 09:03 AM


Originally posted by fishsponge
good point..... oops

We don't want to be held responsible for some member or kid that can see this blowing something up or themselves for that matter.

jharris 05-08-2003 09:11 AM


Originally posted by fishsponge
here's a great one if you can get it right... the james bond exploding pen!!
Tut Tut... A man educated at such a quality university should know better ;)


fishsponge 05-08-2003 09:31 AM

yeah, good point again... i do know better. much better.

here's how to make a rocket that'll go 500ft in the air, before firing a parachute, and landing safely for the next run:

all you need is......

Stephanie 05-08-2003 09:58 AM

I have not blown anything up.... lately. When i was younger I was kinda of a tomboy. This one friend I had used to use firecrackers to blow up model cars.

Obviously my story is not as coll or funny as all of yours, but I thought I would share.

fishsponge 05-08-2003 10:12 AM

i dunno... it's not bad :D we all did stoopid stuff when we were younger though least i think we did!

quietguy47 05-08-2003 05:26 PM

Cherry bombs and m-80's down the school toilet's.
If any of my former teacher's are reading this.......It was JohnJohn's idea.

frieza 05-08-2003 08:38 PM

have any of you heard of the Pyrotechnic's guiild international? they have firewortks conventions every year somewhere in the US, but membership is from arround the world! Really great for the pyro in all of us, they have shows, lessions, and competitions, and i'ts all done safely.

Q*Bert 05-08-2003 08:54 PM

I was going to post this earlier, but felt it might be taken the wrong way.

Have you ever noticed how amateur pyrotechnics are really the preserve of men? I was about to say "Mara or Stephanie have probably never done daft things with fire". Is it ever Mums that make bonfires at the bottom of the garden? Or is it bored dads?

Men think making fires is cool and women think men are daft. Nothing new there then.

Brain Drop 05-08-2003 11:10 PM

im suprised no one else has mentioned this, am i the only one who built a potato gun?

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