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Old 11-30-2004, 02:05 AM   #1
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folding@home - team #12776

Aw yeah, I'm #1 for our team Folding@home!
Old 11-30-2004, 03:50 AM   #2
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Sweet, way to crank out some work units for us!! Wow looking at the site, we finally cracked the top 1000 teams.
Old 11-30-2004, 11:39 AM   #3
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I wish more members would sign up for our team, though. I'm going to add an extra computer to our team at my work. Now let's see if we can break the top 500!

Last edited by Micro420; 11-30-2004 at 11:41 AM.
Old 11-30-2004, 01:35 PM   #4
Registered: Feb 2004
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Nice micro. I agree, with over 150,000 members on these boards, you'd think more than just 25 people would be folding. There should probably be a sticky or something about it somewhere. But I guess thats not really the focus of these boards... meh.
Old 11-30-2004, 02:19 PM   #5
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Well, I just downloaded the client and got it running. So add one more
Old 11-30-2004, 04:59 PM   #6
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Originally posted by sh1ft
Nice micro. I agree, with over 150,000 members on these boards, you'd think more than just 25 people would be folding. There should probably be a sticky or something about it somewhere. But I guess thats not really the focus of these boards... meh.
I didn't know about it untill I saw a link to the team site in someone signature. So, short of a sticky somewhere, I think that might be the next best option for spreading the word.
Old 12-01-2004, 11:12 PM   #7
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I just added 2 of my computers, so you should see my name pop up in the near future.
Old 12-04-2004, 06:13 PM   #8
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Old 12-04-2004, 06:28 PM   #9
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Is the data time sensitive?

What I'm asking is, can I download a work unit and not send the results untill later in the day? Or, may not get to send it for two days.

I use a dial-up connection, and am away from my lovely Lulu (computers name) for many hours at a time, sometimes.

My wife named the computer when see saw what it cost.
Old 12-04-2004, 08:58 PM   #10
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The work units do expire after certain time period. From the FAH FAQ:

Are there any limits to how long my machine can take to finish a work unit (WU)?

Yes. Depending on the work unit, unfinished work units for most projects "expire" and are reassigned to new machines. Since new WUs are generated by finishing old ones, we must keep things moving along by expiring units. As we move to longer WUs we will extend this time as needed. For instance, for the villin molecule we are currently using the expiration time of 3days. Some expiration times are shorter. You will get stats credit for all units that you complete, even if they have expired, but they will not be as useful scientifically.
I'm sure there shouldn't be a problem if you're submiting completed work units within a day or 2. For those not familiar with Folding at Home, the linux client can be run in the background and runs with a high enough nice value that it doesn't ever suck CPU time from other programs and applications.
Old 12-04-2004, 09:42 PM   #11
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Most work units expire in about a week or so. With my 400Mhz comp. I still get the units turned-in in time.
Old 12-04-2004, 10:07 PM   #12
The Bad Penny
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Im gonna put my neck on the block and ask (with the help of "some" red wine)
What exactly is folding? (I have seen it on many forums,, is it an American thing)
what research does it help? (if any)
would it make a difference that Im on the other side of the world?

The reason I ask is that have a Windows SBS 2000 server that runs constantly doing next to nothng on a 1mb ADSL line.

And I would possibly be willing to help with folding ""IF"" I knew FOR CERTAIN that there was no security risk to my server and there was no commercial gain for anyone in this.

Sorry if this seems a bit harsh but Im from Glasgow (Scotland) and we tend not to see the good side in a lot of people here.

Also theres is the misererable side of us too,, but thats an entirely different thing altogether.
Old 12-04-2004, 10:41 PM   #13
Registered: May 2003
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What does Folding@Home do? Folding@Home is a distributed computing project which studies protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. We use novel computational methods and large scale distributed computing, to simulate timescales thousands to millions of times longer than previously achieved. This has allowed us to simulate folding for the first time, and to now direct our approach to examine folding related disease.
Here is the home page, check it out and join if you are interested:
It is not your bandwith they are after, but your cpu's. If you look at the world map on the home page, you will see a majority of participants are in North America and Europe.

Here is the Project Numbers and the days to complete:
Old 12-05-2004, 12:24 AM   #14
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I hope I configured it correctly :-/. My name should be there sooner or later.
Old 12-05-2004, 11:24 AM   #15
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Congrats on making it to number one on the team Micro420. For reference, you can see a list of LQ teams here:



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