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Old 02-14-2004, 08:13 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
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Wink Five Reasons SCO's better than Linux

The real "5 reasons":

1. SCO UNIX® is a Proven, Stable and Reliable Platform
That hasn't been improved since we devoted our budget to lawsuits.

2. SCO UNIX® is backed by a single, experienced vendor

3. SCO UNIX® has a Committed, Well-Defined Roadmap
Sue everyone who's ever touched a keyboard.

4. SCO UNIX® is Secure
If you understand the industry well enough to choose SCO, there are plenty of easier ways into the network you administer.

5. SCO UNIX® is Legally Unencumbered
We rarely prosecute our customers. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket! IBM used to be a Unix license customer, but they aren't there!

Fair-used from
Old 02-14-2004, 08:30 PM   #2
Mega Man X
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ghehehe lol. This is ever worse than the other thread about the guys who ripped off gaim (imblaze I think). It's unbelievable the things we see all over the net
Old 02-14-2004, 08:39 PM   #3
Registered: Jul 2003
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Oh, it gets better. The bottom of the page I linked to:

"We do so knowing that those who believe 'software should be free' cannot prevail against the U.S. Congress and voices of seven U.S. Supreme Court justices who believe that 'the motive of profit is the engine that ensures the progress of science."

OMG, we're all felons, for sharing our ideas with each other without demanding money in return!!!
Old 02-14-2004, 08:58 PM   #4
Mega Man X
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lol. I'm not sure how much deficit SCO causes to the Linux community with those fake assumptions for both end users and big guns as Novell and IBM, but one thing is for sure, when SCO goes down (and they will) they will have to pay so much money back for those accusations that SCO's responsible' great grand children will be working after school to pay the company debts... Since it's clear that SCO do not have any money and is trying to grab it from anywhere . It's fun... but sad for their great grand children though :'(
Old 02-14-2004, 09:06 PM   #5
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Reason number six

6. SCO UNIX® contains 200% more DARL than Linux.
Old 02-14-2004, 11:53 PM   #6
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1) whats DARL?

OMG, we're all felons, for sharing our ideas with each other without demanding money in return!!!
well i guess that means theyll outlaw the use of all modern computers as thsoe were made my people in some big groups who wanted computers, so they made ther own and SHARED there ideas and such with eachother, now thx to them we have modern cheap computers that use color monitors, whoever said shared ideas is bad has faild history class worser then me (and i only passed cuse was lucky on a final test that says werether or not i should pass )
Old 02-15-2004, 12:01 AM   #7
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Rep: Reputation: 103Reputation: 103
1) whats DARL?
Inquiring minds want to know...


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