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Old 07-07-2021, 03:26 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by sundialsvcs View Post
It could very well be that these are perfectly-natural cycles caused by some mechanism which we presently cannot guess.
But, on the other hand, you could be totally wrong. See, you can apply that to any side of an issue which means it doesn't actually help anybody to decide what to do next.
Old 07-07-2021, 03:45 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by business_kid View Post
Did you get that "It will be just fine" from one of your ex-president's speeches? I don't really think you understand the full implications of what's going wrong now. Extinct species will continue to be extinct. Exhausted resources will continue to be exhausted. Melted ice will continue to be melted, and Antarctica melting will be the threat for future generations. We were the ones whose leaders had a chance to sort this, and our generation blew it.
Ex President? I'm a long way away from a Trump supporter. Anything positive I've ever said or written is just an example of seeking to support Checks and Balances instead of blindly hating one party or the other on (misguided) principle. I despise what's known as Party Politics. I trust in Principles.

Did you get the qualifier of "the residents"? None of what you mentioned can possibly destroy Earth. It will be around in some form for millions if not billions more years. It's only the living residents that are vulnerable.
Old 07-07-2021, 03:53 PM   #63
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In my view there are no "Unnatural Cycles". There are conditions, usually within clouds, that raindrops "fall up" and as non-intuitive as that may seem to eartbound humans, it's a totally natural process or it couldn't occur. It really doesn't essentially matter whether an asteroid strike, volcanoes, or 8,000,000,000 people dump megatons of particulate and gaseous material into Earth's atmosphere, the result is similar. The major difference is that volcanoes and asteroids have no intellect to perceive and alter those effects. It remains to be seen whether humans do.
Old 07-08-2021, 07:25 AM   #64
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+1 on party politics, enorbet.

The Earth will be here. So will Jupiter, Venus, the moon, and many other lifeless planets. The maddening thing is that the pullers of strings are content to let it get ruined as long as they keep making big bucks now.
Old 07-08-2021, 09:31 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by hazel View Post
That's an imortant point. When harmful viruses or bacteria multiply inside our bodies, we throw a fever to burn them out. It looks as if Mother Nature does the same.
In the context of man-made climate change, this analogy is extremely flawed, even invalid.

Unless you were joking, like business_kid.
Old 07-08-2021, 11:11 AM   #66
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What did I say that was 'invalid'? It was hazel you quoted.
Old 07-08-2021, 09:22 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by business_kid View Post
+1 on party politics, enorbet.

The Earth will be here. So will Jupiter, Venus, the moon, and many other lifeless planets. The maddening thing is that the pullers of strings are content to let it get ruined as long as they keep making big bucks now.
Especially in light of your last sentence, with which I largely agree, you do have my curiosity up.... with what party do you imagine I am supporting or parroting? Or more precisely and with no regard for politics whatsoever, what do you suppose my stand is on Human Caused Climate Change?
Old 07-09-2021, 05:28 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by enorbet View Post
Especially in light of your last sentence, with which I largely agree, you do have my curiosity up.... with what party do you imagine I am supporting or parroting? Or more precisely and with no regard for politics whatsoever, what do you suppose my stand is on Human Caused Climate Change?
On party politics, I don't know, and as you locate yourself in Virginia, I happen to know it's fairly evenly split. I'm no mind reader. Why don't you tell us where you stand on global warming? As a yes-no question, have you made house improvements with Global Warming in mind?
Old 07-09-2021, 03:25 PM   #69
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I simply see a whole lot of people expressing confidence, when wonder seems to me to be a whole lot more appropriate.

This really is ... "a wonderful world."

Of course it is human nature to "want to know everything about something." But I think that it's actually liberating when you are able to come to terms with the reality that "you never will."

You are the blind man. Earth is well beyond any elephant. "Sux to be mortal," maybe, but, "mortal you are." Accept this, even as you quite-naturally rail against it. Never stop theorizing. Never stop exploring the things that you will never fully understand. Never stop trying to prove me wrong. Never stop being human.

Last edited by sundialsvcs; 07-09-2021 at 03:29 PM.
Old 07-09-2021, 06:20 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by business_kid View Post
On party politics, I don't know, and as you locate yourself in Virginia, I happen to know it's fairly evenly split. I'm no mind reader. Why don't you tell us where you stand on global warming? As a yes-no question, have you made house improvements with Global Warming in mind?
Apparently you missed not only the several times that I noted working for a large Solar Energy firm designing and supplying large commercial systems for Hospitals, Commercial Laundry, Car Washes, etc as long ago as 1977 but even the entire thread I authored on the validity of climate change research and conversely the lies of the fossil fuel industry that garnered nearly 2000 responses. The point of mentioning that number is that it stayed highlighted on General for many months.

In 1980 I bought an $11,000.00 USD solar heating system and invested in and around that year another ~$2000 in conservation addons to a home that already had Thermopane windows and very high R-Factor walls and ceilings. My home also was built with isocyanurate foam panels on the outside of the footer and stem walls to create a thermal mass "flywheel" effect preventing rapid temp swings.

Yeah, you might say I've been involved in energy awareness for awhile.

As for Politics, I am not so easily defined as I suspect many are equally complex in their views.

Last edited by enorbet; 07-09-2021 at 06:23 PM.
Old 07-10-2021, 04:37 AM   #71
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This scorching heat's unbearable, I'm writing this from top of the building, right under the roof, without AC.
At the same time I'm reading about Canada where apparently, the sea is boiling.
Old 07-10-2021, 06:59 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Soadyheid View Post
We should be doing something shouldn't we? Doing nothing isn't really an option.
Easier said than done, whenever I try to figure out what to do about the heat my solution would either be highly illegal or cause even more heat in the long run.
Personally, I'm well used to heat, and there's been a freeway nearby for all my life so I'm well used to that too.
What I'm not used to are gas powered buses which park nearby, that reduced the pollution a bit & doubled the heat output of old buses. It's an example of best intentions and catastophic results.
On top of that, I'm not used to some new guy living right next door who strategically placed his AC exhaust pipe right next to my window. This is barely covered by law, but should probably be a felony.
Also, the other guy a bit further down the road who's like hey it's almost noon I guess it's time for barbecue, and who then proceeds to fill the entire block with smoke as well as heat..
Old 07-10-2021, 07:24 AM   #73
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Solar a tree to we spore, you'd be a horror to teach your bored...

If we don't teach babies: CEO's, warlords ( e.g: the United States president ) and who knows will!.edu

Babies less than one year old can learn sign language

Last edited by jamison20000e; 07-10-2021 at 06:17 PM.
Old 07-27-2021, 12:20 PM   #74
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Here's an interesting piece referencing Nature Climate Change (a Magazine?) and the Guardian. The latter, I gather, is one of the UK options if you're low brow enough not to be reading the FT, but high brow enough not to be expecting a sexy page 3.
Personally, I imagine few READ the FT. It's much more important to be seen reading it, while you'll look all that stuff up in 5 minutes once you get into the office. Or have the financial heads all moved onto poser phones?
Old 07-27-2021, 04:07 PM   #75
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Until rich people realize the danger of Climate Change, contented at looking at their growing portfolios - not much we can do except reducing our unecessary buying.
I am sure some of them are concocting plan to live in domes, temperature controlled and air filtered out of harmful chemicals. Question is, if power plants are knocked out by floods and fires ... how can their domes function ?

Last edited by leclerc78; 07-27-2021 at 04:11 PM.



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