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RySk8er30 05-31-2005 02:42 PM

Since Micro$oft dominates the industry so heavily, I was interested to see what everyone at the LQ boards does for a living?

I do a combination of computer repair and VB.NET web application development. I run Mandrake at home, but need to run Windows at work due to their reliance on Windows technology.

How about everyone else?

jtshaw 05-31-2005 02:54 PM

Linux client/server application development, and the occasional device driver and kernel mod.

rshaw 05-31-2005 03:23 PM

electronics technician

lovelyredfishy 05-31-2005 03:24 PM

Software developer for non - open source products --- I too am a semester away from graduation - in Computer Science. I used to do hardware security stuff for the IBM Linux Technology Center, but now its non linux land :(

SocialEngineer 05-31-2005 03:30 PM

Website development, graphic design, contractual based systems consulting and setup (I build servers and machines for small to medium sized businesses, such as VPN servers and whatnot). Also a college student, graduating in one semester with a degree in computer info sys :)

I usually end up doing most of my work in Windows. I still prefer to do website and graphic design in Windows, for Photoshop (and font/rendering accuracy in windows browsers). I usually do the coding on a Slackware system, though.

trickykid 05-31-2005 04:03 PM

Moved: Not a technical Linux question, more suitable in General.

*nix System Administrator.. but now more of a Backup and Storage Administrator..

I mainly handle and deal with Backups and Storage.

Tinkster 05-31-2005 07:52 PM

Egg-laying, wool-bearing milk-pig ...
[Just can't deny my German background :)]
A factotum in IT, done everything from laying cables
to programming C, QC to Admin, ...

These days my role is "linux support specialist",
that's system administration and work-flow enhancements
that are pretty much in the region of business analysts.


masonm 05-31-2005 10:50 PM

Professionally unemployed for the past 5 months. (Car wreck)

trey85stang 06-01-2005 04:14 AM

Re: Careers

Originally posted by RySk8er30
Since Micro$oft dominates the industry so heavily, I was interested to see what everyone at the LQ boards does for a living?

I do a combination of computer repair and VB.NET web application development. I run Mandrake at home, but need to run Windows at work due to their reliance on Windows technology.

How about everyone else?

I do IT work, not any programming or anything like that. Last year I was a contractor for the company I work with full time now. I helped create a linux 'image' (not really an image) for replacing UNIX workstations. I got to run fun performance test w/ linux (Red Hat EW3 and 4) on a 3.2HT P4 systems which cost the company a little over 1.5k vs. $15k IBM, SGI, SUN workstation. I hate to say it the performance was about a 200-400% increase over the UNIX workstations. It was fun while it lasted.

However, I know am a computer operator and it is boring... Although I got permission to install linux and ditch windows. Just havent done it yet.,

benjithegreat98 06-01-2005 01:58 PM

My badge says "Information Systems PC Specialist". I work at a hospital where I basically try and fix any Windows/PC problems there are. We have a contractor that does the networking/server part here, but he's here 2 days a week, so I get my fill of that to. I've managed to get a linux install or two here for some projects.

It can be boring sometimes, but we have some projects starting up so that will shake things up. Plus, we are going to be sold to another company soon (as opposed to being county owned) so that will be interesting. Hopefully a pay raise will come shortly after! :D

mindcry 06-01-2005 02:09 PM

Unix/network admin. Right now I am handling mostly mail, storage and the network infrastructure.

HalfDiminished 06-01-2005 03:41 PM

Mechanical engineering, specifically electromechanical interface devices for aerospace applications. I use Linux at work for scripting batch applications and performance analyses. I also use it for making reports in LaTeX. Linux is becomming more and more vital for complex engineering analyses since M$ Windows does not have any real scripting and interprocess communication capabilities.

The domination of M$ saddles all kinds of companies with unneccesary burden, not just software development. It is absolutely ridiculous the level of bureaucratic ineffeciency that M$ products have enabled in the aerospace industry. Couple the mountain of extra reporting that M$ Project creates to the dismal presentation 'features' of M$ Power Point, then add in a little data muddling with M$ EXCEL with the poor report formats of M$ Word and you get one cumbersome machine. And since it's all based on M$ Windows, every virus, software bug, software upgrade, and security issue is just about guaranteed to stop everything in its tracks

Back to careers - I'm quitting mine :). Soon I'll be ending my 2.5+ years as an engineer and going back to school for an MS and PhD. Gotta find a small (private) start-up, or get a tenure-track position in academia.

steve007 09-19-2005 04:47 AM

Have done Finance and Payroll
Currently system administrator, fixing pcs providing support to users etc, setting up Linux servers and im also studying a course for the MCAD qualification in C#.NET which includes all sorts like HTML, XML, ASP.NET i also want to learn XAML when i have the time to do it, it looks great.
I'm 21 and and been in IT since the start of this year, before that it was finance and payroll, and before that it was college and school.


cs-cam 09-19-2005 04:54 AM

Absolutely nothing to do with IT, in the slightest little bit.

Charred 09-19-2005 05:17 PM


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