Dear Mr. Reed, Mr. Seligman, and Mr. Finnerty;
It took 395 days, but this travesty has ended. Finally, the State Attorney General came forward and told the world that no crime had occurred, that the prosecutor was out of control, and the accuser was a liar.
So you get to walk free. Which is as it should be. Which is how it should have been within a matter of hours after the accusation was made.
But will there will be justice? Already the media is focusing on that malignant woman's "chaotic life". Already the NC Attorney General's office is indicating that they don't favor pursuing her. The game's afoot; in spite of what she did to you, she's a victim and should be allowed to go on about her miserable life.
And Nifong? Well, if there is any justice at all, he'll wind up disbarred and in prison. That actually could happen; we'll see.
But, as you are aware - as you made very clear in your statements before the press yesterday - there is a larger issue at work here. This issue is the massive degree of discrimination and injustice encountered by men everywhere in this society, in the area of familial and sexual relations.
You can't deny it; you can't question it; you have seen it yourselves. That you weren't destroyed by it is due to two reasons. First, your families have considerable means and could protect you. Second, the accusation was picked up by the national press and therefore the whole nation was looking. ABC News did a good job for you; they were the first (and for a long time the only) media source that was skeptical and avoided a rush to judgement.
Where would you three be if you hadn't been fairly well off, with families behind you and lots of publicity which wound up working for you? You'd be in prison for rape. Your lives would be over, on the word of a drugged-out liar and at the whim of a prosecutor who is a criminal.
Are you three the only ones in the nation who have been subject to such a scurrilous attack? Is Nifong the only rogue prosecutor who is out there?
You know better. At least tens of thousands of men have been railroaded and are being destroyed today by the attitude that was on clear display when you were first accused.
The despicable attitude displayed by the 88 professors at Duke, and by the Duke administration - an attitude which none of them have repudiated - is widely held among campus faculties around the country. These nutty professors are doing their best to indoctrinate men and women who will be our future leaders in the same bile-filled, insane, and contemptible attitudes toward men that they themselves displayed toward you.
So, now you are free at last. But your female accuser is going to walk, unless someone does something. Nifong'll get his, but then he's a man, isn't he? The double standard will bring him down even as it lets her walk. Of course, he happens to deserve it, but she deserves it too.
You now have a decision to make.
You have been massively wronged, and while you will be able to right that wrong to yourselves, the widespread wrong will remain. You are at this point in time uniquely positioned to attack that wrong, and you must do so.
In the Land of the (formerly) Free, a man stands guilty as accused, if his accuser is a woman. A man can be stripped of his home, his property, his children at the whim of a woman, if the man was so foolish as to marry her.
There is a widespread, and totally insane, attitude that a man is a predator and therefore if he isn't guilty today, then he either was yesterday or will be tomorrow, so punishing him is appropriate. The courts have bought into this insanity, with the consequence that men have lost virtually all rights under the Constitution when the matter before the court has to do with family or sex.
Men are literally enslaved paying child support for children that are not theirs - when everyone including the court recognizes and acknowledges the truth that the child is not the man's. (
The growing witchhunt in this land about sexual abuse is targeted almost exclusively at men. The presumption is that men are indeed predators. Granting that some small percentage are, the fact remains that the very vast majority are not. Even many men say to themselves: "I know that I would never behave that way, but I know that other men do, so I must help catch them." Then, like yourselves, they are appalled when they themselves stand accused, and presumed guilty.
You have experienced it first hand. You were unusually well situated to survive it. Most men are not so well positioned.
And now it is time for you to attack. This attitude must be destroyed. Those who promulgate the attitude (you know who many of them are, just as I know and everyone reading this knows) must be brought down.
To begin, Crystal Gail Mangum must face felony charges for the monstrous thing she did - not just to you, but to all men. She needs to go to prison, if for no other reason than to deter the many other crazy females out there who'll accuse a man on any pretext or none. Women routinely get away with this; it must end.
Nifong needs a nice long prison sentence, and I certainly hope that your lawsuit strips him of literally everything.
And beyond them is Duke University. And the 88 nutty professors. And the National Organization of Women. And an increasingly poisonous culture that is determined to destroy men.
There are millions of men who will join you. But you must lead. At this point in time, no one but you can lead this fight.