Hi all I am back . I have been in the same places that all you have looking for info. reading etc. etc. etc. you know, as a linux user, I notice that mostly of the docs are writen for admins. I do not have a problem in readin and understanding this docs, but what about the new guy that just load linux and want to learned, I notice that a this step mostly of new comers quit. so If we want linux to rule, we should make it accesible to every one.
thats why I have the idea of creating a project , or redifine a already project
THE LINUX DOCS I would like to make the docs and info so easy that even my grand mothers that does not speak English , will be able to understand just form looking the instriccions. I have a support form phpnuke-guatemla.net
I am the main admin of this site. I have avaliable 100 megas for a start up project.
so if any one wants to join please visit
and on the feedback part send us a e-mails with your commnets. etc.
I HOPE THAT THIS IDEAS WILL BECOME TRUE I know that I can count on all of you guys. Linux lives .