I'm glad I'm not alone here. I would be case number 2. I'm 24 and still living with my parents. I know it sucks. I even tried the army thing for a while, 3 months in and they kicked me out. I don't feel like getting into that.
I thought it was just me seeing the pattern of employers wanting 100+ years experience with every degree out there. Now I'm over reacting.
I can always try getting a job at the theater at the mall. I'd prefer a job where I don't really have to deal with people. I'm not what you would call a people person.
I'm the kind of person that would tell some one to "go ahead and put your finger in the socket, HAHA, yeah you wont do that again now will you" kind of person.
What we need is for people like us to get together and start our own company with some sort of .org site and we can make our own test to test people instead of the way it is now. And we can help hire more people like us. Might even start a new revolution headed by Linux experts and what not. We'd be the "goodwill" for computer people. After a while we can open stores all over the country selling only Open Source compatible products. Instead of a CEO it would have a council and the profits would we divided equally and the rest would go back into the company or what ever you want to call it. The stores would be like Best Buy but only selling products that use Open Standards and Open Source. I've had many ideas like this for a long time. If only enough us in the open source comunity could get together and make it happen.
I have a hell of lot more ideas for this type organization than I can put in this post. The stores that would belong to this organization would do things completely differant that what goes on now in the market. For example there would be no 99 this 99 that crap in prices. Every thing would be rounded off to the nearest dollar. People would get there money back, none of this instore credit crap. And none of this rebate crap Best Buy does. I would take the prices and lower them as if you where using a rebate.
Every person that works for the organization would be the ones who own it and they would vote on council members. It would be basically a democratic based organization run by the open source comunity. There would be a chain of stores around the world owned by this organization. All the profits would go back into this organization and sure some of it will goto people working for it, we do need money for food and rent after all. What would make us the difference over a regular company is there would be no CEO'S or super rich people while the little person works there ass off just to put money in the CEO'S pocket.
Yeah I'm a dreamer, what can I say.
I also had ideas for creating a device that would take the place of a xbox, satelite box, cable box, surround sound system and computer all in one. And it would all be based on open standard computer parts and open source software. But that's for a whole other topic. What's funny is that this new device could make huge amounts of profits and put a lot back into the open source community at the same time. For every project or open source software put into this device some money of these profits would be donated back to these project groups.
I have more ideas than this if any one is actually interested in starting a organization like this to make these ideas a reality.