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Stuarts-Burgers 10-15-2007 12:39 AM

Problems Installing FC5
I am attempting to install FC5 on a HP Celeron 2.4ghz with Samsung 40gig HD and Sony DVD RW.
I get to check dependences for Packages and get the followig error

"An error occured unmounting the CD. Please make sure you are not acessing /mnt/source from shell on tty2. Click ok to retry"

How do I check for this and what changes do I need to make if I am doing it wrong.

I want to install FC5 so that I can down load F 7 iso and then start all over again .

I have knoppix live cd but can not change the space i can acess on my larger partition so as to allow me the space to down load F7 via this route.

Any assistance in getting something running on this new box so I can down load and burn F7 would be welcomed.

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SilentSam 10-15-2007 01:50 AM

I think that using the knoppix CD would probably be the easiest route. Why exactly can't you access space on your partition? You should be able to mount the partition and chmod it to be able to access it.

Stuarts-Burgers 10-15-2007 02:08 AM

May I confused you
Hi I Will try again.
When I attempt to install FC5 I get the above message, I need a work around so that I can get FC5 Installed.

If I can not get a work around I have a copy of knoppix that is a Live CD I have attempted to down load F7 using it but the knoppix will not see more than 300 MB of a 30 G parition and so stops the down load after 300MBs.

I am a bit of a newbie at this, I got FC5 straight in on my old machine that has suffered terminal motherboard failure so need to start again on new machine.

SilentSam 10-15-2007 02:28 AM

Unfortunately I have no idea what's going wrong with your Fedora Core 5 installation.

You previously stated that your main goal was to download a Fedora Core 7 iso, which should be easier using the knoppix CD then installing FC5.

Knoppix has a tool called QtParted should help out with the hard drive space issue. QtParted will show you all your partitions on your hard drive, and what format they are. If you have unformatted space on your HDD you can format it and mount it. The important part here is to make note of the partition names, like /dev/hda1, or/dev/sda1, since you'll be using this information later.

If you have a windows partition on this hard drive you'll have to be careful. If you plan on letting Fedora 7 take over the entire hard drive, you can simply format the entire drive to ext3.

At this point, you'll want to open up a terminal, and go to the directory /mnt.

/mnt should have all your hard drive partitions mounted here. If not, you'll have to create the directories and mount them

when in /mnt:

mkdir hda1
mount /dev/hda1 ./hda1

or if sata drives

mkdir sda1
mount /dev/sda1 ./sda1

Then you should have lots of space to download the fedora 7 iso.

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