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Fedora - Installation This forum is for the discussion of installation issues with Fedora.


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Old 03-14-2005, 07:32 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question Partition Table Error in Fedora 3 Installation

I learned about Fedora Project from a Computer Magazine and decided to install Fedora Core 3 on my computer.But I can't install it due to some installation errors.

My computer is Pentium 4 with 256 MB of RAM and has Windows 98(FAT 32), Windows XP(NTFS) and RedHat Linux 8.0 installed in it. I booted the Fedora Core 3 Installation CD#1 to upgrade from Redhat 8 to Fedora Core 3. It detects my hardware well. But after selecting my KeyBoard Layout it pauses for some time and gives a message "Input/Output error during read on /dev/hda ". After I press the Ignore and Cancel buttons for some times, it moves to "Select Installation Type" stage and then prompts for the partition procedure(Automatic or with Disk Druid). Whatever I select it gives an error message "Invalid Partition Table on /dev/hda - wrong signature 678c" and then gives the message "[B]No valid devices were found to create new file systems. Please check your hardware for the cause of the problem[B]". But my hardwares seems to be OK and all OS'es works properly. Only the Fedora Core 3 Installation is giving errors. I also tested by installing RedHat 8. It worked fine.

Please suggest me how to get rid of this problem as I really want to install Fedora Core 3.

You can mail me at with your answer.
Old 03-15-2005, 03:56 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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That's unusual. The partition table should, btw, have a signature of 55AA. Ordinarily, it would look like a hard drive failure to me, but that doesn't seem to be the case here, with your other OSes working properly. /dev/hda is the proper device, right?
Old 03-16-2005, 11:11 AM   #3
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arjundg: As a diagnostic test, try booting into FC3 rescue mode (i.e., either boot CD-1 and enter “linux rescue” or boot from the Rescue CD) and see if you can access hda with fdisk or whether you can mount partitions. If you can access the drive from rescue mode, then you are probably not looking at a hardware problem.

Also, you read a lot of negative opinions about updating RHLx to FCx in this forum. Try deleting the RHL8 partition(s) and do a fresh FC3 installation, as opposed to using the update option.

It’s probably overkill, but I delete the old partitions from rescue mode, as opposed to from disk druid. That way, you know it is for sure gone. I’ve had disk druid do some odd things when asking it to delete the old installation.
Old 03-29-2005, 06:02 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for your reply. I tried installing the Linux from the Rescue mode from CD1, but the problem reappeared. I also deleted the RH distribution and tried to install the FC3. But it was of no use. I still haven't tried the Rescue CD yet.

Looking for the masters suggessions.


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