This question is about a friend of mine who is trying to install Fedora Core 3 (CD Install) with a Microsoft Wireless Desktop set (a wireless keyboard and scroll mouse combo with a transceiver that plugs into the keyboard and mouse PS/2 ports)
He boots up and can use the keyboard alright at the into screen on Disc 1, but once the disc loads into the following...
... the receiver unit for his set starts blinking rapidly and won't allow him to get past the first CD testing screen.
I helped him out by trying numerous options (his computer is similar to mine with the execption of using Winblows 98 SE only at present) at the boot prompt, and eventually figured out that his keyboard was (somewhat) to blame by swapping it with another keyboard that i could only let him use briefly because of time constraints.
I'm at my wits end here and I can't seem to figure out what is going on. Can someone help me so my friend can enjoy Fedora?