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Fedora - Installation This forum is for the discussion of installation issues with Fedora.


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Old 03-06-2005, 01:00 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
[fixed] Install termiated abnormally - received signal 11

Hi everyone. I'm having some problems trying to install FC3.

The install gets as far as "running /sbin/loader" and hangs.

If you leave it for approximately five minutes, it will continue to a screen where you can select the language (English), the keyboard (UK), and how you are installing (Local CD-ROM). However, it then waits for about five more minutes, before crashing with a lot of white text on a blue screen - ending with "Install terminated abmormally -- received signal 11"

I have tried "linux nofb", "linux nousb", and "linux nofb nousb" - to no avail. The only thing which looks anything like a warning above "running /sbin/loader" is this: "RAMDISK - Compressed image found at block 0" - is this a problem?

I do not believe there is any problem with my memory. Windows XP works perfectly, and I ran the memory check utility on the FC3 CD1 - which worked for about 1hr30 and didn't find anything. Granted it didn't finish, I got bored!

here is a photograph of this screen, I apologise for the poorish quality: [this is my first post here, and the system would not allow me to post this as a URL, sorry!]

My system is built as follows:

AMD Duron 750MHz,
640Mb RAM, built from 256Mb + 256Mb + 128Mb,
1 x 120Gb HDD, holding Windows XP Pro SP2,
1 x 30Gb HDD, FAT32, waiting to be formatted for Fedora.

Now in the past, I have had NO PROBLEMS dual booting RH and FC1 on this machine. The only difference is my memory upgrades - I have previously only ever had 256Mb.

I have tried disconnecting all my USB devices, removing the 120Gb HDD, removing all but 256Mb RAM, swapping the RAM into different ports, removing a secondary CD-ROM so there is only one CDROM (as secondary master) on the system... everything I can think of.

I tried re-downloading and re-burning the ISOs to no avail; so I also tried downloading FC2 CD1 - which also hung after "running /sbin/loader" but I didn't wait for it to crash with signal 11.

Any ideas gratefully received,

Thank you,


Last edited by bgs264; 03-06-2005 at 06:50 PM.
Old 03-06-2005, 06:50 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 2

Original Poster
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I FIXED this problem by installing a new CD drive.

Thanks for reading, hopefully you can fix the same problem too if you get it.

- Ben
... now posting from Fedora


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