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Fedora - Installation This forum is for the discussion of installation issues with Fedora.


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Old 04-01-2004, 09:16 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Distribution: Kubuntu
Posts: 71

Rep: Reputation: 15
Angry Dell Inspiron 5150 and Fedora Core 1 Graphic Problem

I rececently tried to do a switch over from SUSE linux on my laptop (dual booting with Windows XP) and have been unsucessful so far. When I was using SUSE, I could get X and KDE to run. However, I was having issues with my 3d card, I couldn't get the new driver from NVIDIA to work correctly. For some reason there is a special SUSE driver for NVIDIA.

Anyways, I loaded Fedora Core 1 up with X Windows and KDE and rebooted. The entire screen is bright red and then flickers to bright teal. When I installed I selected the Dell Laptop 1400x1068 as my monitor size. I can kill the XServer and when I try to reconfigure X with redhat-config-xfree86 it loads up a bright teal screen that I can't move around in. Any help would be appreciated.

Below are the specs from Dell on the configuration of my laptop:
1 1Y284 Assembly, Cable, Coaxial, 15, SXGA+ABCS
1 3U722 Bezel, Feet, Plastic, Liquid Crystal Display, 15.0, ABCS
1 J1838 Liquid Crystal Display, SXGA+, Standard Panels Working Group, 15, IDT
1 W0941 Assembly, Base (Assembly or Group), External, Conexant, 5150
1 5X486 Keyboard, United States, 85, Single Pointing, ABCS
1 G1278 Processor, 80532, 3.06G, 512K, Flip Clip Pin Grid Array
1 9Y819 Adapter, Alternating Current, 130W, 19.5V, LITEON, World Wide
1 1045D Cord, Power, 110V, 6F, Alternating Current, 3W\3P, United States
1 6Y912 Battery, Malaysia Direct Ship, 14.8V, 12C, Lithium, SANYO
1 7T894 Kit, DOC/DSK, INTERVIDEO, 4.0, With Dolby Headphone Technology
1 J2102 Subassembly, CDRW/DVD, Hitachi LG Data Storage, ABCS
1 Y1871 Card (Circuit), GRPHC, Nvidia, 32M, NV34, 5150
1 P1860 Kit, Software, OFCPRO-2K3, Original Equipment Mfgr., England/English
1 W2538 Kit, Software, MCAF-COM, 4.5, Original Equipment Mfgr.
1 8W383 Kit, Software, Overpack, WXPPSP1, Compact Diskette w/Documentation, England/English
2 6G648 Dual In-Line Memory Module, 256, 333, 32X64, 8K, 200
1 5W557 Assembly, Carrier, Hard Drive, ABCS
1 8267R Connector, Header, 2X22, Female, 2, S, Gold, 35K, Third Height, Chip Set
1 C2180 Hard Drive, 40GB, IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics), 9.5MM, 4.2K, HIT-MRGA

I have tried to reinstall Fedora with the monitor as laptio 1024x768 but still have the same problems, can't figure out what is going on

Last edited by j0217995; 04-01-2004 at 01:38 PM.
Old 04-08-2004, 09:05 AM   #2
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Distribution: Kubuntu
Posts: 71

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Ok, so after some more googling and trying to come up with the right terms for my search I found the answer to my questions.

Here are the steps I used:

1. Install Fedora
2. Boot into run level 3
3. Download and install the Nvidia linux driver from
4. Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config and make sure the driver is NVidia
5. Start X to test config
6. Reboot if everything works.


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