It's no different than yours, really. I just put that command, and a couple of others, in a bash script and made it executable, then placed it in .kde/Autostart.
$ ls -l ~/.kde/Autostart/
-rwxr--r-- 1 david david 51 2007-11-26 02:40 /home/david/.kde/Autostart/
$ less ~/.kde/Autostart
xset -dpms
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
xhost +localhost
'xset -dpms' disables the dpms settings.
'xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap' runs the Xmodmap file that configures my multimedia buttons. There are probably better ways to run this, but this is the easiest for me.
'xhost +localhost' is to let root connect with the xserver for running gui apps. I use it for a script I wrote that has a pop-up information dialog.
As you can see, there's nothing special there. I see nothing to help shed light on your trouble, except, now that I think about it, that perhaps it uses the .sh extension on the file name to recognize it as a script. I've noticed konqueror recognizes file associations primarily by extension, so perhaps it's the same here. Might be worth a try.