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Old 01-14-2005, 09:01 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: CT, USA
Distribution: RH EL3/Fedora 3
Posts: 5

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using rsync with cron & pub. key


I have a Fedora backup server at home which backs up my production server w/ rsync using a public key.

When I rsync from the command line using the same command as in my_script below, it works just fine (no password required). If I run my_script from the command line, it also works fine.

But when I schedule the same command using cron, the backup server asks for a password which of course it never gets, so the job fails. There is nothing in /var/log/cron that mentions this.

As you can see, the cron job runs as user 'username'. What am I missing here?

contents of crontab for user 'username':
30 04 * * * username /home/username/my_script
contents of /home/username/my_script:
rsync -avz -e ssh /home/username/backup_dir/



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