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Old 02-27-2007, 10:19 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: Baltimore, MD
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Upgrading To FC6 from FC4, FC3

I just join this small web development company as a part-time intern and one of the task is to help with the planing of upgrading some of theirs servers, ranging from FC3 to FC5 since they want to upgrade to FC6. Now, I'm debating whether we should do the live update using yum or update using the installation method. I'm not really familiar with Fedora Core, I've used RHEL 4 and Redhat 9 in the past but now mostly deal with gentoo, slackware.
I want some insight from people who got some experience, or has done similar things since this is a business environment and it's not like the servers I have at home.
Old 02-28-2007, 11:15 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2003
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The only advice i will give you is to take it really slowly.

Dont just upgrade everything willy nilly, or you may end up losing your job when it all goes pear. Best idea would be to get fedora core 6 running on a box and then test everything they need on that box to identify any problems. Then you really want to carry out a phased upgrade, one box at a time. Identify priority machines like webservers, ftp servers, dont touch anything that is key to the day to day operation of the business until you have a free weekend when no one is at work. You then have a chance to do the upgrade knowing that you have 24hrs to fix any problems you encounter.

Actually one more point. Backups are key, make sure everything is backed up at least twice, and that one of the media sets is stored off-site, ie, give it to your boss or network manager.


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