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Old 01-07-2007, 04:41 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 43

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unable to get into xwindows after restart

Hey all, I just recently installed Fedora Core 6 (did not go as smoothly as FC5 having some weird crashing issues during the update and now having dependency issues but I can resolve those myself) The issue I am having but am not alone is that after restart it loads only to the CLI for login and not into the GUI itself. when I try to start X this error:


Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If server is no longer running, remove /temp/.X0-lock
and start again.


I see others are having the same problem as this user on this forum.

I was looking around here for the same issue and a resolution but was unable to locate a similar post with helpful information using the search function.

To resolve this I have to rm the following file "/temp/.X0-lock"

Doing so allows me to "startx" normally.

I have already confirmed my init file is defaulting to 5 as it should be. This is NOT the issue at all. This did NOT occur in FC5. However my hardware has changed since I used FC5 and the change is that I added a second video card for the SLI function. I now have BFG 7800 GTX x 2 instead of one. I am unsure of how to get the SLI working but that is another issue altogether that I will be researching. I am curious if the SLI could be a factor. The Prev poster did not post his system specs so I am unable to see any similarities to our hardware that may related to this issue.

If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again all! Cheers!
Old 01-07-2007, 05:11 PM   #2
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How do you do restart? By physically powering off and on? It is not the best way to do it. When you do this, programs that run do not know they should terminate their work. For example, X server is a program that allows only one copy running for every identifier - screen (because it should draw it - through your video card - and other programs ask it to draw using the identifier, so there should be no confusion). To ensure it, it creates file /tmp/.X0-lock (maybe /temp in Fedora). When you power off your computer, the file rests there... If your computer is ACPI capable (most probably it is), you can run 'modprobe button', check that acpid is launched ('ps aux | grep acpid | grep -v grep' should show you something about it) and just press your power button on computer briefly. After a while, system will be shut down correctly. Also there is a way of running 'init 0' as root (look at sudo to be able to run 'sudo /sbin/init 0' as user instead), or maybe you can log out and choose shutdown option from graphical login menu. To get there first time, after some reboot remove X0-lock and - without running X - run 'init 0'.
Old 01-07-2007, 06:00 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 43

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Just to be clear and answer your question the only time I have restarted my PC from the CLI included, iS using the su - /sbin/telinit 6 or 5 or whatever it is for the restart option (I was able to man telinit to learn which one it was I just can't think of which one it is right now offhand I'm at work and am still new to Linux), as well as "reboot" itself from the CLI which seemed to work. The only time my system has been hard rebooted was after the intial install WHEN I was able to log into xwindows after removing the tmp file. The system would notify me that I had X amount of updates available and would click apply. It would start the rpm downloads and patch my system as it went along. 2 different update sessions it looked like what appeared to be a kernel panic and the system rebooted on it's own. It has not done the hard crash since then which i guess is really only afew hours.

I hope that helps you look for another idea of where the trouble is being caused. I just want to be clear so we are not making assumptions and following the wrong path of troubleshooting and coming to a wrong conclusion of the origination of this error.

If you need additional information please toss them out there and I will answer them as best as I can. I am not sure what other information may be beneficial for this one.
Old 01-07-2007, 06:17 PM   #4
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So how many reboots after first time you have run X? One manual and one panic? In which order - manual first, panic second? Problem occurred after panic only? Well, kernel panic is not very much better than power down. Maybe you'll try to reboot again with 'su - /sbin/telinit 6' when you can (if not already) to check if problem went away after removing old .X0-lock?
Old 01-07-2007, 11:53 PM   #5
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 43

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Rep: Reputation: 15
After afew reboots NON crash of course and some shutdowns it seems the problem itself has cleared up. After the one reboot I did have to remove the tmp file again but after another reboot it seems fine. I also shut the machine down for afew mins and ran it again and it seems stable followed by a final reboot. All seems to be cleared. I assume it would be related to the crashes? as you said the applications were still running and X locked itself? Anywho I'll repost in here if I encounter the problem again. But thank you for your help Raskin. I appreciate it.
Old 01-08-2007, 04:18 AM   #6
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Rep: Reputation: 69
X locks itself after start and unlocks on clean exit. On crash it doesn't have time to unlock. If you encounter that problem again, but removing file and rebooting solves it - well, little can be done. But if your kernel will panic again - it's a good idea to write panic message down (if you have chance).


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