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Old 04-12-2007, 03:43 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: USA
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 14

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Question transcode error in DVD::RIP lib issue?

Hello All

I have been running Fedora 6 for some time and using DVD::Rip ver. 0.98.3 for awhile as well. One day about 2 weeks ago it just stopped working. Everything is fine until I click the transcode button and then I get the following error:


Job 'Transcode video - title #3, pass 1' failed with error message:
Command exits with failure code:
Command: mkdir -m 0775 -p '/root/video/dvdrip-data/jiggly_juggs/tmp' && cd /root/video/dvdrip-data/jiggly_juggs/tmp && mkdir -p /root/video/dvdrip-data/jiggly_juggs/avi/003 && execflow -n 19 transcode -H 10 -a 0 -x vob -i \/root\/video\/dvdrip\-data\/jiggly_juggs\/vob\/003\/ -w 759,50 -b 128,0,2 -s 2.420 --a52_drc_off -f 24,1 -M 2 -J preview=xv -Y 4,4,4,4 -B 1,11,8 -R 1 -y xvid,null -o /dev/null --print_status 25 && echo EXECFLOW_OK

Output: transcode v1.0.2 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2004 T. Bitterberg
[transcode] (probe) suggested AV correction -D 0 (0 ms) | AV 0 ms | 0 ms
[transcode] auto-probing source /root/video/dvdrip-data/jiggly_juggs/vob/003/ (ok)
[transcode] V: import format | MPEG-2 (V=vob|A=vob)
[transcode] V: AV demux/sync | (2) initial MPEG sequence / enforce frame rate
[transcode] V: import frame | 720x480 1.50:1 encoded @ 4:3
[transcode] V: new aspect ratio | 632x472 1.34:1 (-B)
[transcode] V: clip frame (->) | 624x464
[transcode] V: bits/pixel | 0.109 (low)
[transcode] V: decoding fps,frc | 23.976,1
[transcode] V: multi-pass | (mode=1) writing data (pass 1) to divx4.log
[transcode] V: Y'CbCr | YV12/I420
[transcode] A: import format | 0x2000 AC3 [48000,16,2] 224 kbps
[transcode] A: export | disabled
[transcode] V: encoding fps,frc | 23.976,1
[transcode] A: bytes per frame | 8008 (8008.000000)
[transcode] A: adjustment | 0@1000
[transcode] A: rescale stream | 2.420
[transcode] V: IA32/AMD64 accel | sse3 (sse3 sse2 sse 3dnowetc_memcpy: using amd64 for memcpy
[] v0.6.0 (2003-10-02) (video) MPEG-2 | (audio) MPEG/AC3/PCM | (subtitle)
Xv: ATI Radeon Video Overlay: ports 73 - 73
Xv: grabbed port 73
Using Xv for display
[transcode] warning : /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: faacDecDecode
xt 3dnow mmxext mmx asm C)
[transcode] V: video buffer | 10 @ 720x480
[] v0.1.4 (2002-10-08) xv/sdl/gtk preview plugin
[] options=xv
[] preview window 624x464
[transcode] warning : (dl_loader.c) loading "/usr/lib64/transcode/" failed
[transcode] warning : (encoder.c) loading video export module failed
[transcode] warning : failed to init export modules
[transcode] critical: plug-in initialization failed

My belief is that yum updated something that is stopping transcode from seeing the libraries. This same error happens no matter what video codec I use. Just change the verbiage to that codec name.

I have tried deinstalling everything and reinstalling, no luck. Has anyone else seen this issue and overcome it?

Thanks in advance,

Old 04-12-2007, 05:10 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: USA
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 14

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Transcode error

Some additional version info for the problem



Old 04-14-2007, 11:13 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2006
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 543

Rep: Reputation: 36
transcode, ffmpeg and lxdvdrip

I've been trying for two weeks to build transcode so that I can run lxdvdrip. I seem to have problems around libavcodec, which surface building transcode. Perhaps ffmepg did not build right.

Can anyone point me to where I might get some help. I've googled for my build errors, and I never seem to find the exact problem.

Nominally, I have a handful fo Slackware 11.0 systems.

So you are not alone, trying to get transcode running right. I don't know what happened in your installation, but I do know that I can seem to do it right.

If anyone can point me the right way towards help, I'd be grateful!

Old 04-20-2007, 09:45 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: USA
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 14

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FFMPEG - libavcodec

I have been doing a lot of poking around on the web and I have found several people discussing this issue in different forums. Most of them seem to think that FFMPEG (libavcodec) became broken after applying RPM updates from Livna. No one seems to have a workaround or fix though. I have reloaded my system with only the Fedora repositories (so I have a "clean" system) and after my update finishs I plan to install everything from source to see if the issue goes away. I will follow up here in a few days with the results.

Old 04-20-2007, 06:00 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: USA
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 14

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Talking The outcome seems to agree

Before I went all crazy and compiled everything from source I decided to see if yum could install DVD::RIP with all it's dependanies with the LIVNA repo turned off:

# yum install dvdrip --disablerepo=livna*

and yes it did. The problem went away with the reinstall from freshrpms only. I had to install xine and rar seperately but I just disabled the livna repo again and I built installed rar from source.

Everything seems to be screaming along just fine now.




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