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Old 02-26-2007, 03:48 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 5

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Stuck on 'make install' step of ndiswrapper *sigh*

Argh. I've come to the conclusion that the reason why 99% of the population dosn't use Linux is because of this single step: Getting your wireless to work

I've been trying to get my Broadcom BCM4306 wireless network card to work with FC6 for a while now, and whenever I get to the 'make install' step of the ndiswrapper driver installation, I always get a

"Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2798.fc6/build; give the path to kernel build directory with KBUILD=<path> argument to make..." error. Now I have followed the ndiswrapper instructions and symbolically linked the file like it instructed, but still get the error here.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Old 02-26-2007, 04:33 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2003
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You seem to be running Fedora; in this case, don't waste time trying to get ndiswrapper compiled from source (you'll need kernel header files and source code installed, at least, to get it done) because you can get it installed as an rpm package a lot more easily: the easiest method it probably to run as root
yum install ndiswrapper ndiswrapper-utils
I'm not sure if ndiswrapper-utils is a correct Fedora package name, but that's what it's called on Ubuntu where I last installed it. Anyway, you can get ndiswrapper installed just by using yum (or alternatively by going to and doing an advanced search for FC6 ndiswrapper rpm packages and installing what you find). After this simply use
ndiswrapper -i bcm-whateveritiscalled.inf
and see if that works (well, you might have to first use 'rmmod' to remove other kernel modules that are meant for your wireless but don't work and might conflict). Don't go about compiling the whole thing from source if it's not needed, because Fedora Core is meant to be a binary distribution and if you have a ready binary package available and no special need to compile software from source, don't do it Maybe Linux seems difficult to you because you want to make it difficult? Hopefully not, because it isn't.

Argh. I've come to the conclusion that the reason why 99% of the population dosn't use Linux is because of this single step: Getting your wireless to work
Take into account that not whole population has computers so they're unable to use any OS even if they wanted. Nevertheless, frustrated people do invent reasons why people don't use Linux, and so be it: nobody is forcing you to. But some time spent with Google would have revealed to you a step-by-step howto about installing ndiswrapper and probably the drivers just for your card using it for Fedora Core, and after 10-15 minutes (if you're new to these things) you would be on air. If you want to do it the hard way (work first, manuals later), there's only one person to blame if you want to blame somebody
Old 02-26-2007, 04:18 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2006
Distribution: Debian Testing
Posts: 675

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Do you have your kernel-devel packages installed? Just from what you posted it doesn't seem like it and you will need thoughs to get it working. Or pretty much anything you installed from source. Also, have you tried the linux drivers for broadcom? If you are using a recent kernel it is module bcm43xx. You have extract the firmware first using the cutter in fedora xtras. You can find better instructions on their site though. Also I'm not 100% sure your card is supported but you might as well take a look. If it isn't I can help you get your card up no prob.

Let me know how it goes.

Old 02-26-2007, 06:25 PM   #4
Registered: Nov 2005
Posts: 43

Rep: Reputation: 15
check if u have Module.symvers in /usr/src/linux, if not do a make module, that worked for me ;^)
Old 02-27-2007, 09:36 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by nomb
Do you have your kernel-devel packages installed? Just from what you posted it doesn't seem like it and you will need thoughs to get it working. Or pretty much anything you installed from source. Also, have you tried the linux drivers for broadcom? If you are using a recent kernel it is module bcm43xx. You have extract the firmware first using the cutter in fedora xtras. You can find better instructions on their site though. Also I'm not 100% sure your card is supported but you might as well take a look. If it isn't I can help you get your card up no prob.

Let me know how it goes.

Any help you can offer a like me is greatly appreciated


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