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Old 03-05-2005, 12:18 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: brazil
Distribution: fedora and suse
Posts: 23

Rep: Reputation: 15
still having troubling installing

hi. i'm having many problems trying to install fedora core 3.
i have to motherboards: a 9vaav and a m756mrt.
in both i use a pentium III 600 Mhz(133) and 256Mb Dram (133).
the m756 is all onboard, but i think the socket370 is with problem so i use the adapter for the slot . it gives a error when reading the list of packages. it aborts the install.
the 9vaav, ont have video. os i use a ati ultra rage 128 pro.i use the cpu in the socket370. in this one, it gives error in installing the ncurses. it copies and then gives a message of error, that can be the cd(absolutely not, tested in other pcs and worked. installed everything), the cdrom(it's new. and is a cd-rw) or hardware problems( pretty much certain in this one).
i think the setup in both are bad configured. and i got no clue how to configure properly.
i installed one time in the m756mrt, but was so late that i stoped and tried the other day, but wasnt able to install either.
what can i do?
please help me out.
i need this soon.
well, thanks a lot for listening and for the help.
see ya.
Old 03-06-2005, 10:15 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Sparta, NC USA
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04
Posts: 5,141

Rep: Reputation: 60
First, I would test your RAM. Linux is more sensitive to bad ram than is Microsoft.

I had one box that wouldn't install from the DVD-RW drive it had in it (and as far as I can tell, it is a good drive, except for the Fedora install.

I made a bootable CD-R and did the install from the ISO files from the hard drive. I always use the text install too, as it succeeds whereas I never have had a successful GUI install.

Preparing to install Linux:
# Choosing a Linux Distribution:
Will your hardware work?
Do you have good RAM? Memtest86 - A Stand-alone Memory Diagnostic
A Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Linux Distribution
Reasons to Choose or Not Choose Linux
LWN distro list
elinux Linux Distributions
# Freeware tools for partitioning/resizing hard drive partitions:
Any Linux Live CD usually have fdisk, cfdisk and other tools available
Ranish Partition Manager
# Understanding Linux Filesystem layout:
Directory Navigation Help File
Filesystems, Directories, and Devices Help File
Proper Filesystem Layout
Advanced filesystem implementor's guide (requires registration)

# Red Hat & Fedora links
The Fedora HOWTO explains the different software managers.
Maximum RPM
Easier software management: apt4rpm
Fedora Core 1 Tips and Tricks
Fedora Core 2 Tips and Tricks
Fedora Core 3 Tips and Tricks
apt, yum, and up2date repository settings (configuration files) for Fedora Core 3
# Handling NTFS
New Technology FileSystem (NTFS) HOWTOs
Linux NTFS project
Old 03-06-2005, 11:15 PM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Shelbyville, TN, USA
Distribution: Fedora Core, CentOS
Posts: 1,019

Rep: Reputation: 45
I would suspect the harddrive if you absolutely sure it isn't the CD. The memory could also be suspect. You can test your memory by downloading memtest86 from . You should try to perform a confidence test on the harddrive. If you still have the disk that came with it there should be something on there or you can try to go to the manufacturers website. I would still try to reburn the FC3 CDs. Maybe try a different brand CD-R if possible.
Old 03-08-2005, 11:04 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: brazil
Distribution: fedora and suse
Posts: 23

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
did it!

thanks for the help and the info guys.
i am very grateful to you.
i managed to install the fedora core 3 on my pc.
it was the cpu. the motherboard detect a pentium III 600 MHz 133( multiplier 4.5X). but i manually changed to 450MHz 100(multiplier 4.5X).
dont know if it is the frequency or the potential of the processor that was wrong.
later i will discover it.
but it worked on the m756mrt motherboard.
i only need now to configure the network and install apt-get to fully operate the system now.
thanks again for the help.


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