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Fedora This forum is for the discussion of the Fedora Project.


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Old 02-20-2007, 05:24 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Wisconsin
Distribution: Switched to regualr Ubuntu, because I don't like KDE4, at all. Looks like vista on crack.....
Posts: 675

Rep: Reputation: 31
Some help cleaning up yum

Hi, I am new to fedora, and I've gone a bit crazy adding all kinds of software repos from all over the place. I want to clean up yum a bit so yum-ex isn't so slow, and so I can run an update without fear I will bork my machine beyond my ability to repair it. I've googled this a bit, and didn't find much help. So, some info. I'm using Fedora 6, on a home built machine, x86 3000+ sempron, 2 gigs ram. So I've thrown quite a bit at it, as it's intended as an all purpose/multi-media machine. My /etc/yum.repos.d looks like this

atrpms.repo fedora-extras.repo freshrpms.repo livna-testing.repo
beryl.repo fedora-legacy.repo GoogleEarthLinux.bin skype.repo
fedora-core.repo fedora-updates.repo jpackage.repo
fedora-development.repo fedora-updates-testing.repo livna-devel.repo
fedora-extras-development.repo flash-plugin- livna.repo

I think I want to keep the livna.repo, and beryl I like quite a bit, and want to keep messing with. I also want to install sun's version of java, and haven't had success with yet, and thought maybe it had something to do with how /etc/yum.repos.d is set up. Mostly I just want to clean out anything I don't need. I already have skype set up, so I don't think I need that anymore. What else can I get rid of, and still keep my system safe and stable ? Is just cleaning up this one file and running yum update enough ? Or is there more I should be doing ?

Thanks much.....


Last edited by budword; 02-20-2007 at 05:26 AM.
Old 02-21-2007, 12:01 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2005
Distribution: FC5
Posts: 338

Rep: Reputation: 30
IMHO the repos you should keep are

In rest of the repos put "enabled=0", these can be enabled when required by "enabled=1" by editing the respective repos
Also be careful about Mixing Repositories


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