If you installed gaim with apt, then it came in as an RPM. That's a RedHat's package... Usually, you install a binary package that has the program and libraries compiled.
You can use apt to uninstall the packaged version. Or, "rpm -e packagename" will do it.
To remove a built-from-source program could be a bit trickier... If you haven't deleted the source dir that you ran ./configure, make, and make install in, you can cd back into the dir and run make uninstall. That will reverse the installation process and remove everything it installed. If you did delete the dir, then you could rerun the installation up to make install, and run make uninstall. That might work.
There isn't a whole lot of difference in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin ... Both a standard dirs to hold executables that anybody is normally able to run. Sometimes, people see /usr/bin as the very basic install dir, and use /usr/local/bin for custom-installed programs.
To change the dir a built-from-source program installs to, you normally add an option to the ./configure command. You can check with ./configure --help to see what you can configure. It would be something like ./configure -prefix=/usr/bin .
You might want to save the source dir for a bit, until you make sure the program is running and what you really want. If not, uninstall it as above.
Not sure what it would take to move blender... It might be as simple as moving the executable to /usr/local/bin , and making sure the executable has its permissions set to allow anybody to run it. Or, you might try reconfiguring with options to install it system-wide.