I was initially going to install yum (not knowing if I had during the installation) but upon running the download, it turns out the yum version I had installed on FC2 was newer than the download from the official site. So, I typed in "yum list available" (in the terminal) and the error that came back included a line telling me to ask the "sysadmin to update headers" (to paraphrase). Does this have anything to do with the /etc/yum.conf file? If so, I have saved a new version of yum.conf (actually downloaded as yum.conf.txt). Would simply axing the extension of .txt and copying it onto yum.conf (backing up the original, of course) work to solve all of this issue, or is the "update headers" problem beyond even that?
Sorry if this is a true newbie question, but each time I go to fix/update/add one thing, it seems there is another that needs to be fixed/updated/added first. Heehee.
I'll get to the beginning at some point. Thanks for any assistance.