RT61 problems in FC7
I downlaoded and installed the cvs-daily drivers from serial monkey.
which went with out a hitch, except for a strange message saying
my module was too large >1mb, but it installed anyway.
I can do: 'iwlist wlan0 scan'
iwconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed.
It does all those fine.
it list my AP and 'iwconfig' list all the right info just not an ip address.
I can see my AP i just can't connect to it.
'ping' gives network unreachable.
'modprobe rt61' dosen't return anything.
The driver appears to be working, i just can't get an ip address from
my router i even temporally disabled encryption just in case i wasn't
entering the key correctly but no go.
this driver worked fine in Mandriva--but i couldn't get the
nvidia driver to work--so i switch to FC7--nvida works fine.
Of course mandriva uses a different kernel.
beside i like FC7 better anyway
Using FC7_x86-64
Should've i use ndiswrapper instead?
Is it possible to un-install the driver and try ndiswrapper?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.