I'm trying to get my Linksys WMP54G Wireless card to work with my Fedora Core 6 installation. I have already installed Kernel-Devel and Kernel sources from my FC6 CD. My problem comes when I try to point "make" to the location of my kernel source.
The guide I am trying to follow is located here.
(I have also tried the instructions that come with the driver's README, the same error results)
The driver I'm trying to use is located here
When I edit the "config.mk" file to reflect the true location of my kernel sources, the "make" command still wants to point towards "usr/src/linux-2.6.18-1.2798.fcxen" saying that the "build" directory that is supposed to be housed within does not exist.
My edited config.mk looks like;
When the "make all" command is run, this is the result
$ make all
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2798.fc6xen/build SUBDIRS=/home/West/Desktop/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Modules modules
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2798.fc6xen/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2
For some reason my edits in the config.mk file aren't pointing the operations in the right direction.
My question is, what is the work around for this?