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Old 12-30-2003, 01:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2003
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Puzzling Xwindows problem with Fedora and Hummingbird Exceed

ok, this one has me boggled.

Just installed Fedora, wiping out my old RH9 install. Install went beautifully and 99% of the system is running great. here's the interesting part though:

On the RH9 install I could ssh in from a windows machine using Putty, forward X11, fire up Hummingbird Exceed and type startkde into the terminal and get a perfect windowed version of my RH9 desktop on my windows machine. I could open up terminals, emacs, etc etc just like I was plugged into the linux box itself. perfect for monkeying around with my linux box without changing the monitor cable over from one machine to another.

On the Fedora installation the same *nearly* works. I can ssh in, forward X11, fire up Exceed, type startkde...but the window that appears is strange. It has my background, but the kde-bar at the bottom is missing, and all windows I attempt to open within the desktop are "missing". It is as if they are BEHIND the desktop, if that makes any sense...if I happen to click in their general vicinity they appear, but only temporarily. So, if I click where the kde-button in the bottom left is, the bar will appear temporarily and let me attempt to open something...but then it and whatever I open disappear "behind" the desktop.

I've tried it on a couple windows machines that used to work fine with the old the only difference is Fedora vs. RH9.

Anyone have any ideas? Clearly nothing critical, but it'd be nice to get the full functionality I had in RH9 back after the new install.

I don't even know where to begin.



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