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Old 02-20-2007, 08:47 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2007
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Problems with installation on disc1 (confirmation dialog) NEED HELP!!!

I'm trying to install Fedora 6, where I work, on one of PC's.
The problem appeared every time after Customizing Software Selection, it gives me window message, that it cannot find confiramtion dialog, so I have to reboot every time. Sometimes it cant reboot just stops there on reboot button, so I have to shutdown on power button. I'm using 6 disc Fedora. Help please.

Last edited by SRneXus; 02-20-2007 at 08:49 AM.
Old 02-20-2007, 10:59 AM   #2
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it gives me window message, that it cannot find confiramtion dialog
Did you verify your CD/DVD on boot? And please post *exact* error messages. Else during installation when the error happens check with CTRL+ALT+Fn (where "n" is between 1 and 6) if there are more errors to post.
Old 02-20-2007, 08:08 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Yeah, I verfied all of th 6 CD's before instalation, but I will try today again if I don't have to much work. Will reply in day or so.
But it was the only message, and it was: cannot find confirmation dialog (cancel / retry).
Old 02-20-2007, 08:43 PM   #4
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Hmm. OK. Do switch consoles then when you get that error again. Maybe something shows up. IIRC the logs are in /tmp so you could copy then to a floppy if necessary.
Old 02-21-2007, 08:45 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Sorry I'm not high end user of Linux. But every Linux that I've installed went perfectly. So I didn't managed to use switch console or CTRL+ALT+F1-7.
This is the first time I get an error msg. But I want to install Fedora.

I'll explain you everything from begining.
The PC is totaly clear of any OS (blank HDD, but previously formated to NTFS by firm that was bought from, I reformated it again to FAT32).

CD's(6 of them) were checked at the begining.

I don't know if it has anything to do with 256RAM on system, but installation was performed in graphical installation mode.

Used: (I think) Remove all partitions, and create default partition. Checked review and modify partition layout.
On the next step I didn't modified partitions(swap...etc.), I left them as they are.
Checked: no boot loader.
Next step: Network: Deselected->configure using DHCP, unchecked use IPv6.
On IPv4 field entered: of IP's on buisness network) on netmask:
First time I did this with IP, it wouldn't accept it said that netmask was invaild or something like that, so I had to reboot.
Second time, after reboot, it accepted IP and netmask.
Did TimeZone: Europe/Belgrade.
Setted root password.
Next: Checked(default) Office and Productivity. And checked Customize Now.
Customized with default and went Next.
After that there was a progress bar that loaded once and then started over again but faster, about 80% of progress bar, stopped and displayed that message: can't find confirmation dialog.

Every time I restarted(rebooted) Fedora installation, I changed, customization of Fedora(Desktop Envirnoment, Applications....) even default was at first time. One or 2 times, when 80% of progress bar was displayed, there were no error message, only system hanged up, about 10 mins or so. It just wouldn't pass me through the next level.

Forgot on DOMAIN: FedoraP4.WORKGROUP , because all of the machines/PC's are on WORKGROUP.

Today I didn't have time because we had a lot of work, maybe in a few days I will try again.

Last edited by SRneXus; 02-21-2007 at 08:49 AM.
Old 02-23-2007, 04:51 AM   #6
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So, what happens if you skip the customisation and install? Does that work?


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