Problems with fedora
Hi, mates:
I've installed Fedora Core 5 one week ago. At first, everything was OK. Installed it in a raid-0 array and then followed Stanton Finley's notes about post installation. Took care of not mixing repositories and disabled SElinux, as it gives more security than I need and could become intrusive sometimes.
Few days later, problems started. For example, Firefox would't run because of lacking library. Reinstalling firefox package was enough to get it running again. After that, Kopete started crashing when running it. So I updated related packages and things went OK again. But some days after that, KDE Session Locking also started crashing, and Firefox said again it was unable to find I rebooted the system and ¡surprise!, Firefox run, but every KDE application (but kwrite and few others) crashed when executing it (KCrash: Application 'kget' crashing, for example). I couldn't even log in with KDE, had to go with twm.
I suppose you'll recommend me doing another fresh install, but I'm afraid of getting the same issues again. Is there something I've missed, or should I try another distribution?
Thanks a lot!