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Old 07-20-2005, 01:50 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: SE, PA
Distribution: Fedora Core 3, Suse 9.3 pro(if I can get the NIC's working!!!)
Posts: 111

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question Please explain a little about "up2date" utility in FC3

Ok, Well I've taken the plunge into Linux and have decided to go with FC3 on all 4 of my machines. I got the DVD from "Linux User & Developer" magazine. I have done a Full package instal on all the machines (don't ask why, just rather have everything than need something later).

Now I get a red circle with an exclimation mark in the middle of it on the top right of the screen. I click it and go ahead with the default setup for the downloads. It seems to take forever for them to download and install though. Is there a way that I can do it once for all my machines? Download to one directory and then have each machine go there to update? I get speeds from 1K - 20K. Average is about 12K/sec though. It takes a while to download!

Also, how do I know which ones I need? I have been getting all of them.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Old 07-20-2005, 05:43 PM   #2
Registered: May 2005
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Distribution: Fedora 18, Puppy Linux, various others
Posts: 107

Rep: Reputation: 15
"Also, how do I know which ones I need? I have been getting all of them."

The reason it wants to install all of its' packages is that you installed everything from the DVD. Up2date checks its' database to determine which packages are installed, and then updates each of them. Check out a directory: /var/spool/up2date, and while you're at it the manual is always a good read: man up2date. Also to remove software from within the gui, run the add/remove programs program from the menu, and after it checks the database, uncheck programs you don't want and it will remove them.
Happy computing Kurt

Last edited by kurtdriver; 07-21-2005 at 05:25 PM.
Old 07-20-2005, 11:40 PM   #3
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Canada
Distribution: Puppy Linux/ Mint
Posts: 211

Rep: Reputation: 31
This late in the game for FC3 and after so many months since the original ISOs were published, you will have to download about 1 GB of updates given that you selected 'everything'.

Given how easy it is to install things in Fedora (Yes, I said it) using yum and the 'add/remove' tool, It is better to install just what you need when you need it instead of having the kitchen sink that will just bug down your system both on the resources it uses and the time it takes to update.

Having said that, when I started with FC3 I decided to do an 'everything' just to see what it had. after a couple of hours of playing around, I started from scratch with a more limited install.

Regarding the question: Which updates should I select? My recommendation: Select all the updates, It only shows updates for things that you have installed.

Regarding the question: How to download only once for all my computers?

My recommendation: Create a local yum repository and update with yum
Here are the instructions

and Here is a quick HowTo for yum


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